Chapter 7 | Mistakes and Recovery

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   Luka ran senselessly around the area, his eyes darting towards one place and then another. He sprinted around the school, not knowing where to go. He just knew who he needed to find. Marinette. He dashed through the halls quickly, his hair flowing swiftly in the wind. He stopped briefly when he heard a noise from the girls washroom. Luka turned towards the sound and slowly shifted towards the walls near the bathroom. He leaned on the walls surrounding the entrance to the bathroom and listened.

"I'm so sorry Marinette," a female voice spoke.

Marinette and Alya.

Suddenly, Luka could hear sobs from Marinette as she began to cry. When Luka heard that he felt a seed of sorrow sprout in his heart and felt terrible for everything he did all over again. I can't believe I did this to Marinette. I didn't mean it- I just- I didn't know how to tell her any other way. "Let it all out girl...," Luka heard Alya speak quieter so he couldn't make out the rest of what she said. Luka didn't bother trying to listen anymore. He knew that he couldn't do anything right now, so he decided to leave, knowing that Marinette would be taken care of by Alya. Solemnly, he paced back the way he came looking at the ground and trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone around. Luka would just have to deal with this lousy feeling of guilt until he could try and explain himself more clearly to Marinette. Still walking, Luka took a deep breath and looked up. When he did, he saw a blonde haired boy that he knew as Adrien.

Both of their eyes locked for a brief moment, before Adrien giddily skipped over to Luka.

"Hey, Luka! You wouldn't happen to know where Marinette is, would you?" he asked.

"...I don't think she wants to be bothered right now," Luka informed Adrien, shame plastering his face.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"...Did you need something from her?" Luka ignored the question.

"No, she asked me if I wanted to hang out after school and I told her I'd have to call Nathalie at lunch and see if I had anything later. She said I didn't have anything, so I just wanted to tell her I could spend time with her!" Adrien's eyes gleamed a bit on the last words, most likely out of excitement for being able to be with one of his friends, considering how much time is taken away from him by lessons or photo shoots. They stood in silence for a few moments before Adrien continued, "...Is she okay?"

"I... don't know," Luka responded woefully. Suddenly, an idea popped into Luka's head. "Would you like to hangout with me instead after school since Marinette can't?"

"Sure, I don't mind," he answered. "Where do you want to hang out, Luka?"

Luka pondered for a while, before remembering something he read online in the morning.

"Would you like to go to the Place des Vosges? I read online that André's there today, so we could get some ice cream together," Luka offered. He smirked happily at the thought of eating ice cream with Adrien.

"That sounds good. I'll see you after school then, Luka," Adrien smiled a glowing smile back at him, which made Luka's heart race. Then he proceeded to walk down the hall, back from where he came, and disappear from sight. Luka stood there, without moving, trying to process what just happened until it slowly sunk in his mind. Oh my god. I made Marinette cry and I stole her time with Adrien. Why can't I ever control what I say... I'm a horrible person.


The bell rang abruptly, reminding Luka he should get to class. Instantly, he looked around and realized he was in an area where Marinette and Alya would notice him if they left the bathroom. ...I should probably leave before the girls notice me. Trying not to be noticed as much as he could, he headed to his classroom, reflecting on everything that had happened in the past hour.

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