Just Tell Me She's Safe

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My heart hammers in my chest and my vision blurs as the road ahead seems to twist impossibly. It makes my head spin as my eyes try to follow every turn and I have to squeeze them shut before my brain feels like it's about to burst.

I slam on the brakes.

I know I shouldn't be driving, I can barely walk but I don't know what else to do, she wouldn't answer my calls. What if he's already gotten to her? I can't think like that, he was bluffing, he must have been, he wouldn't kill so blatantly again after confessing to murder to my face right? He knows I'd kill him to stop him, right?

I take a deep breath, rubbing my face before gripping the steering wheel and resuming my drive more than a little over the speed limit. I'm lucky it's late, there are barely any other cars on the road.

I don't know how I manage to park my car without crashing as I struggle to even open my door. I stumble toward the apartment building in front of me, wincing at the blindingly bright lights that line the halls as I make my way inside. They intensify the hammering in my head in a way that makes the tip of my nose burn as a wave of nausea hits me.

I have to control myself. I have to find her. I have to know she's okay. I can throw up all I want after that.

I pause briefly outside her door because I have no fucking clue what to do if she isn't there - and partly because I have to steady myself before I pass out and collapse in this hallway - I don't let myself dwell on it too long though, praying it won't come to that as I knock.

The door swings open and nearly shuts back on my face in the same second but I catch it in my hand, holding it open. It's Tracey.

"She isn't here." Her voice is as venomous toward me as ever and usually, I'd try to match that tone, but now isn't the time.

"Please tell me your lying." The desperation in my voice comes out in waves that are big enough to drown us both.

"Are you drunk? Jesus, you need to go. Now."

"Please, just tell me she's here, just tell me she's safe." I try to convey my panic, hoping that she'll realise this isn't just some drunk rambling, even if I can barely form the words I'm trying to say.

"Why wouldn't she be safe? What have you done?" She eyes me wearily now.

I sigh, running my hand through my hair and shaking my head as I stagger backwards, "shit shit shit, " I mumble, "God when I find him, I swear I'll fucking- I'll kill him."

She grabs me by my shirt, tugging me into the apartment with a hiss, "calm down and tell me what the fuck is going on!" I hear the apartment door slam behind me.

"He's- he's got her and I don't know where he is, he'll kill her if I don't find him- I- Fuck!"

"Who? What the shit Blaine? If anything happens to her I will kill you with my bare fucking hands."
She storms off into another room and I don't quite know what to do, I could go out searching for Lexi but I wouldn't even know where to begin.

She returns less than a minute later with a glass of water she pushes into my hands, "you need to sober up and then-" She's cut off by the ringing of her phone.

I see Liv's name flash on the screen. "She could help."

Tracey eyes me for a second before sighing and answering the call, "Liv whatever it is I'm busy- wait what? Are you sure?"

I think my heart stops, what if they've found her dead lying in a ditch somewhere?

"I'm on my way." Tracey hangs up before turning to me, "you've got a lot of explaining to do." She grabs her jacket and takes my car keys, I'm too stressed to protest.

"What, what's going on?"

"Peyton hasn't come home tonight."

I swallow hard, "he's took them both hasn't he?" I ask, more to the air than to her.

"We are heading to the police station, and you're going to tell me everything on the drive there."

I simply nod and let her drag me to the car because I don't trust myself to speak without crying.

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