It's a Warning

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I knew she'd find out, I knew she'd leave, because it always turns out the same, they always leave. It's different with her though, I love her, I haven't loved anybody like that since- it's- it's just different.

I inhale deeply, the burning scent of bourbon filling my lungs, I didn't know what else to do, I didn't know where else to go, so I just went to the bar. I just got drunk. No one else was here, we were closed, so it's not like it matters what I did. I got drunk to the point that I nearly didn't even notice when the metal door squeaked open then slammed shut, so much so that I don't bother to look up, because who cares who it is? Not me. That's why I don't bother to look up even when a stool is pulled up next to me and someone sits down.

"Blaine DeBeers." And I almost look up, because I don't know that voice, it catches me off guard, but I don't care enough.

"That's the name." I drink.

"Well, it's one of 'em."

So he knows?

I snort, "sorry, I'll rephrase, that's the preferred name."

"Names Kain." He holds out a hand for me to shake, I don't bother, my hand doesn't leave my glass.

"I didn't ask," I mumble, taking another sip of my drink and hoping he just disappears or makes me disappear - actually, I like the sound of that, I think I'd like to disappear right now.

"If you're here to accuse me of murdering someone I'll make it easy for you, I did it."

I hear him laugh, "Oh I know you did, that's why I'm your biggest fan."

I furrow my brows, that caught my attention, I look up at him and silently wish I'd turned on the lights because it's dark in here, real dark and I can hardly make out his features.

"But no, I'm not here to accuse you, Blaine, on the contrary, I'm here to confess."

"Why would I give a shit what you've done?"

"Because I did it for you."

For me? What could he have possibly done for me?

"I can see you thinking Blaine, want me to give you a clue?"

I just continue looking at him, because that face, even mottled in shadows, it looks so familiar. It takes a second to register in my drunken state, but when it does my heart drops. He was an old running buddy of mine. Well, he worked under me, followed me around like he was my pet dog or something, he was a lot younger than I was. Boss has told me he was missing a good role model, that's why he followed me around like that, I just scoffed at the thought that I could be considered a role model. It makes sense though, all of a sudden, I knew what he meant.

He'd hated her, said I'd turned soft since I'd met her, told me I was too important to the 'cause' to get distracted by her - as if dealing was some kind of fucking religion or something. I never paid much attention to him, except after we'd broken up, he had this smug, shit-eating grin of his face, I'd punched him before the 'i told you so' could leave his lips. So he's the killer? That's... unexpected, but why? I haven't heard from him in years, so why now? Why make me remember Stephanie Walkers?

He watches as the realisation hits me, "Ya' know, she was as beautiful as the day she dumped your ass when I found her, minus the bruises obviously."

My jaw clenches, my grip on my glass tightening.

"So you're the bastard who killed her? Why?"

"As a reminder."

My face scrunches up in confusion.

"Why would I need to be reminded of her?"

"Because she made ya' soft Blaine."

"Well it clearly didn't fucking work so why does it matter?"

"Is it working with Lexi?"

Now I understand. It wasn't just a reminder, it was a warning.

"Don't talk about her."

"Aw, don't tell me that one didn't end well either, did ya' hit her too? Ooh no let me guess! You pretended to lose your memory again?"

How does he know all that? How does he know everything?

"Would you shut up?" I snap, losing my cool a little.

"Or maybe ya' just realised you were too good for her."

"She's a better person than I'll ever be."

"That depends on your definition of better."

"Jesus Christ if you're going to kill me get on with it, if you're not please just get the fuck out."

"Kill ya? Blaine, why would I do that? You're like my big brother!"

"I haven't spoken to you in years."

"But I owe everything to you, everything I've become!" He protests that a little too excitedly.

"Then I'm a worse person than I thought."

He scoffs, "Nah see, this is you turning soft, that petty bitch has got her claws into you ya' see? But I'll fix that. You'll see. You'll be yourself again."

"Don't you dare touch her."

He stands, watching me for a second with a smirk, at least I think he's smirking. I try to stand, but the world blurs around me as I do, why did I think drinking myself blind was a good idea?

"Well, that sure was a nice chat Blaine but I should be on my way, people to see, girlfriends to kill, you know how it is."

A/n~ sorry for not updating this sooner, I knew I needed to close up this storyline and I really couldn't figure out how and I'm not sure I'm happy how this turned out but I didn't want to keep holding it off :((

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