The Delivery

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"I just told you, Blaine, I haven't heard anything, jeez relax man, they'll be fine." Don E. Stands at the far end of the room, watching me with a judging frown as I pace up and down, how am I supposed to relax with two lives on the line?
I can't believe I actually let her talk me into this, smuggling live humans, for no profit? What has happened to me? And what's worse, they were supposed to have crossed the border an hour ago, an hour. So much can happen in an hour, murder, a car crash, they could've gotten caught. Shit, what if they got caught?

"B he's right, stressing isn't going to help." -- Even Lexi is more relaxed than me, these are her parents we are smuggling.
Before I reply my phone starts to buzz and I fumble trying to draw it out of my pocket. I pick up.

"We are past the wall, the packages are safe, we are taking them straight to the house."

A wave of relief washes over me as I hang up the phone and place it down, "Here, they're here." I manage to mutter between shaky breaths. This is it, the part I was really worried about, now I'll know for sure, whether she was just using me or whether she feels the way I do.

"Oh thank God." Don E. exasperates, letting out a heavy breath I didn't realise he had been holding in.

I turn to look at Lexi for the first time since we got up, "Ready to go see your parents?" But there's something wrong, she doesn't look happy or relieved, she looks stressed. We are in the clear, why is she more stressed now than before?

"Babe, is everything okay?" I walk over and crouch down in front of where she is sitting, placing my hands on her knees and rubbing them softly. "You heard me right? They are okay. You should be happy."

"Yeah, I'm happy, I am happy, " She smiles, I don't buy it, "It's just, B, they don't know."

I frown as I look up at her. The bright shimmering of her eyes seem somehow dulled, the creases on her face deepening as she meets my gaze, "Don't know what?" I don't understand what I could be missing.

"About me, about us, about Tracey, They don't know." She glares at me as if what she is trying to say is blindingly obvious. Then it clicks, they don't know she's a zombie.

"Yeah but, we are in Seattle, surely it won't come as that much of a shock love." I continue massaging circles, on her thighs now as I speak.

"B, did you not notice where they asked to live? The most 'anti-zombie' area in Seattle, they wanted to come here so bad because Dad wants to protect us." And that face, it kills me, I've seen it far too much the past couple weeks. It's the face she gives me when she's trying so hard not to cry that it hurts. She can't meet my eye. "This was stupid, why did we do this? I'm so stupid."

"Hey sugar no, don't say that you're not stupid for wanting to see your parents. Plus I thought they were coming because your mom was sick?" I try to keep my voice soft and steady, the last thing she needs is to think I'm still worried.

"S-she is but she doesn't want to get turned or anything, she wants to say goodbye in person. Then Dad wants us to live with him. I haven't even told Tracey they were coming yet. She'll kill me. I don't, I don't know what to do Blaine." That's the first time today she hasn't called me B.

"Tracey won't kill you, I mean if she kills anyone it'll be me. It's going to be fine, I'm sure your parents will understand, you're still their daughter." She shakes her head, sobbing and I somehow feel like I'm the one in the wrong, I made the wrong decision by agreeing to this. I messed up.

"Hey, Blaine, sorry to interrupt but they got to the house okay." I look up to see Don E. waving my unlocked phone and nod lightly in acknowledgement, partly hoping he just leaves.

"Look Lex, the important thing right now is that they are okay, call them okay, speak to them, ask them when they want to see you. You're okay, it's all okay" She looks me in the eyes and sniffles and, however reluctantly, she nods and stands.

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