It's All Gonna Be Okay

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I storm into the police station, car keys still in my hand as I try to look sober, at one side of the room my mom is sat, her legs crossed as she looks out the window, an expression on her face that suggests she's too good for the place. At the other side of the room Blaine is leant up against a wall, tapping against it with his fingers as he stares down at his shoes, his shirt ruffled and creased and his jacket thrown across the chair next to him, along with his tie. Before I make a decision of who I walk up to Tracey is in front of me, "What are you doing here- are you drunk? Tell me you didn't drive, this is a police station!"

"Jesus, relax, what's going on?" I snap, swaying slightly, praying she keeps her voice down so neither of them notice I'm here.

"From what I've heard dad flipped out and attacked Blaine at Romero's. " She glances back at Blaine's sulking figure as she speaks.

"Romero's? What the hell were our parents doing there?" I frown, surely they wouldn't be seen dead in a zombie restaurant.

"How the hell should I know Lex, they aren't speaking to me either remember? Maybe they were giving zombie culture a shot, or maybe they found out where your boyfriend worked and decided to stir up some trouble, go speak to him and find out." I look up and see he's now on his phone, it looks like he's texting someone, I huff, looking up at Tracey before making my way over to him.

"Didn't think to tell me you'd got in a fight with my parents?"

He looks up at me, but he doesn't give me the look of surprise I was expecting, nor the look of concern, he doesn't even look angry. "Would you have answered if I'd called?" He looks back at his phone, continuing to text. I don't know what annoyed me more, that fact that all his attention was clearly on his phone or the way his voice was completely monotone, uncaring.

I scoff in anger, "you could've at least shot me a text!"

"How could I know you'd even have read it, Lexi? Have you read any of the messages I've sent you recently?" He snaps defensively, at least I can see some emotion on his face now.

"No, because you stopped sending them," I mumble.

"Oh, and I wonder why?" The sarcasm drips from his voice, his expression overdramatic, I knew he'd be angry but I wasn't prepared for this. This wasn't right.

"What did you expect Blaine?" My voice cracks as I bite back a snob, "I'd lost both my parents in one day, I didn't answer anyone's calls, you really think you're that special I'd make an exception for you? Really? You're the one who turned her!" I sob and Blaine shakes his head, scoffing before grabbing his jacket and tie and storming outside.

I shouldn't have said that I begged him to turn her, how could I blame him like that?

Was she serious? She was clearly drunk but still, did she really just blame me? She begged me. Begged. How could I say no?

I tossed my jacket onto a bench outside the police station and sat down, resting my hands on my knees and taking a deep breath. She was just drunk, Blaine.

She was drunk.
Were those car keys in her hands? I was too angry to notice, she drove here drunk.
Why wouldn't she just get a taxi? Was she that worried about what I'd done to him? Or was she worried about what he'd done to me?

I hear the doors swing open and I don't have to look to know it's her, I take a deep breath.

"I didn't mean any of that Blaine. I'm sorry, I know I should have answered your calls and I shouldn't have pushed you away because none of this was your fault and you just keep trying to do what's best for me and I-" She cuts herself off and breaks down sobbing. I sigh, looking over at her, she's shaking, covering her face with her hands, dropping the car keys in the process.

I stand and walk over to her, picking up the keys and sliding them into my back pocket, before resting my hands on her arms, gently nudging them down away from her face but she shakes her head, putting them back up.

I sigh, chewing the inside of my lip in stress, "Lex, look at me, please?" She lets out another sob, lowering her hands to grab my shirt as she pulls me against her, sobbing into my chest, shaking her head again.

My arms reach up around her back rubbing it softly in circles as I rest my chin on the top of her head, "Hey, shh, it's all gonna be okay." We both know it's a lie but I can tell by the way she holds tighter onto, my shirt appreciates it.

I sniffle as I push my face into Blaine's chest, his hands quickly finding their way to my back as he draws circles in between my shoulders in quite possibly the most calming way possible.

It works, and I start to calm down, but I don't want to let go of him, it's been three weeks since I've held him, smelt him, heard his voice so when he speaks to me in a calming tone I decided to make the most of it, attempting to tug him closer, though I doubt that's even possible.

I feel his chest rise and fall with each breath, relaxing me further when I realise just how wet his shirt is, I pull my head away slowly to see that my tears had turned his shirt completely transparent across his chest, he looks down to see what I find so interesting and he laughs, a whole-hearted laugh that makes me grin.

"Did you take my keys?" I laugh, looking up at him, I almost feel my heart stop at the way he looks back at me. There's a chance that all along that look is all I really needed to feel better.

He raises an eyebrow.
"You're drunk, you don't need them." He replies simply with a slight smirk on his face.

"Then how am I going to get home genius." I grin back up at him, and for now, I know I'll be okay.

"Well I'm driving, obviously, and you're not going home."

"Ooh that sounds ominous," I laugh, "you going to take me to a forest and murder me or something?" I mock.

"Mmm, I'm considering it, but I don't want to fuck a dead body tonight so-"

"Blaine!" I laugh in shock, "Jesus." I slap his chest jokingly.

He laughs back, "I'm joking, you're already dead so that's not really an issue for me."

I roll my eyes as he pulls me back against him, pressing our foreheads together. "But seriously," he whispers, "don't think you're ever leaving my sight again." I smile softly and nod, trying to ignore the slightly-too-serious tone to his voice I'm not sure he realises he's using.

"Mr Mcdonough? Detective Bozzio and Cavanaugh need you." A voice calls from the doors and he lets me go, "I'll be right back," he mumbles as he starts to walk away.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to be leaving your sight?" I yell after him, leading him to turn and shake his head at me with a laugh.

Mr Mcdonough, he never addresses himself with that name, it's always Blaine DeBeers, I wonder why, Lexi Mcdonough sounds better than Lexi DeBeers - actually, they both sound good.

𝑉𝐼𝐵𝑅𝛢𝑁𝑇 - B.D.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu