Raise a Glass...or Break a Few

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Today is going to be a good day, I can sense it. I'm finally starting a job I might actually enjoy, with a man I definitely enjoy.
Everything is coming up Lexi.

Not a second before I'm through the door and Blaine chimes in a condescending tone, "Hey Sugar, you're late..." and he's right, like usual. I am late. And he knows to use a stupid pet name, because he knows it'll get a reaction, like usual.

"Well, It's not like there are many customers," I say, as much to myself as to him, glancing around the room. It's almost completely empty, which is unusual for this place. Though it is still early, I think he was planning on preparing me before it got busy.

"The idea was that you got here before there were any customers dear." He watches me with a smile, he's just happy I'm here. I'm happy I'm here too.

"I'm a quick learner, it'll be fine." I quip, swivelling myself and planting my feet firmly behind the bar. He raises his eyebrow in a way that suggests he's not so sure. I decide to ignore it, I'll show him.

"So, where do we start boss?"

He grins. His eyes glisten. He rushes to explain. He's excited. I laugh.

It's about two hours before I got the hang of it, which I think is pretty damn quick -- like I said, fast learner -- but that doesn't prevent the look of annoyance that spreads across his face every time I slip up.

Sometimes I'd make mistakes on purpose so I get to see that cute little pout. He figured out pretty quickly what I was doing though, he wasn't impressed. He was even less impressed when he heard the first glass shatter across the wooden floor, though the way he jumped forward to grab me suggested he was more concerned about me than the glass.

The way he sighed when the second glass turned to shards that dug into the over-polished oak told me I probably shouldn't make the same mistake again. I didn't, though I did find ways to flirt and joke and tease while I was learning. Him getting so easily worked up made it all the more fun.

"You're supposed to be taking this seriously Lex." He half-laughed, that was a sign I should tone down a bit.
Don't get me wrong, I get it. This place is important to him and he's taking as a risk by putting me out on the front lines after an extremely short training period, but with his staff being as unreliable as they are it's not like he had much of a choice.

It starts getting more crowded. Now I know I can't slip up.

I can hear him hiss behind me every time a man's eyes linger on me when they ask for a drink. I can almost feel the glare he shoots at women when they give me judgey looks -- I can practically hear the "they're just jealous" line I'm sure he's desperate to spout.
It makes me smile, though it puts me a little on edge too.

In fact, almost everything he does while I'm in the bar, while he watches, leaning against the precarious shelves of highly-priced spirits makes me smile. It makes my heart flutter and my stomach flip because every little thing, all the things I'm sure no one else notices, they show me how much he cares.

And for once the thoughts keeping me awake are nice ones. He loves me, and he's desperate to prove it.

We love some good ol' fluff*°•*

There is nothing I love more than writing, so why am I struggling so much to think of anything to write? :(

It's not like I don't have everything planned...

The ideas are all there, I just can't seem to shape them into something comprehensible :/

That's my only excuse for this being so short.

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