Human For A Day

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I step out into the cool Seattle air and take a deep breath. I feel bad, Blaine has worked so hard to get my parents here and I must seem so ungrateful. I want him to know how thankful I am for him, I just can't help but worry, it's who I am.

I pull my phone out my back pocket and dial my dad's number, I figure my mom will be too panicked to speak to me intelligibly.

"Lexi dear?" He sounds tired. Me too dad.

"Daddy, hey! I just wanted to make sure the journey was okay." I put on the happiest voice I can and hope he doesn't pick up on how distressed I am.

"It was a great cupcake, your mother was a bit stressed but you can't blame her. When will you and Tracey be coming to see us? I want to see how grown up you've gotten." There's something about his voice that always seems to soothe me, and I love that I somehow haven't grown out of the nickname 'cupcake' yet. He's been calling me that since I was four. Why do all the men in my life think pet names are cute?

"Oh...erm I'm not sure when I'm free, I just started a new job so I'm kind of busy but hopefully we can have a meal soon." I knew they'd want to see me, I should've been more prepared for this conversation.

"Your mom doesn't want to leave the house because of all the zombies but we'd be happy to cook for you tomorrow?"
TOMORROW, that gives me no time to plan what I'm going to say.

"Tomorrow? I'm not sure I can daddy..."

"But we want to see you as soon as a possible cupcake, we came here for a reason." I know, I know.

"I'll see daddy, I have to go, I'll speak to you later okay?"

"Okay bye dear, tell Tracey we said hello."
Fuck. What do I do?

With perfect timing, Blaine steps out into the cold and walks over to me when he realises I'm no longer on the phone. I have no doubt he was listening to the whole conversation, I would've. Nevertheless, he asks "So, how did it go?"

"They want me and Tracey to go round to their new house tomorrow." I don't try and hide the stress in my voice with him, he'd hear it anyway. He's good like that.

"That's a good thing, Lex." He says it like he genuinely believes it. I don't.

"Yeah, I can't wait," I mutter sarcastically, glaring at him.

"Lexi." The warning tone he gives me makes him sound like my father, but sexier. That sounded weird, not in a weird way.

"You have to come with me." He doesn't have a choice. He needs to.

"Tracey hates me and I-" Why does he think he can talk me out of this?

"She won't say anything in front of my parents, OH and you'll have to dye your hair, we all will. We will pretend to be human." That sounds stupid.

"Pretend to be human?" He raises an eyebrow, Yeah I know how it sounds Blaine. Can we drop the judgement?

"How hard can it be to be human for a day? We've done it most of our lives."

"This is a bad idea." Can't argue with that.

"We're doing it." I stay firm and I don't expect him to break, but then he bites his lip, sighs, looks away, shakes his head, looks back at me, and finally he agrees.

"You better call Tracey."

"I will."

// * //

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