Chapter 26 | Aaron

Start from the beginning

By the time he finished and was heading home again, he'd become devastated, the only hope keeping him sane the possibility of finding Aaron already there.

That wasn't the case. He parked the car and shouted one last time, "Aaron? Come out if you're here," as he headed to the front door. He glanced around the garden, eyes scouting for a boy he'd lost, or maybe left lost.

The hope diminished and he stepped in, closing the door behind. The wood was blemished with a trickle of dried blood. David reached a hand there, fingers shakily tracing the crimson that'd oozed out of Aaron's temple. He remembered banging his head into the door, and suddenly, it killed him.

"God, no. This can't happen," David mumbled to himself as he stumbled back and threw himself onto the couch, head in his hands, fingers tugging his hair. "You idiot—" he knocked a fist against his knee, epitome of frustration, "—you dumbass, come back. It's not the time for this."

He tried to stop it, he really did, but suddenly all he'd ever done to Aaron flashed in his head. Belt and cigarettes, crying and hating. Death and dying—

Prison, prison, prison.

He didn't want to spend his life there. He didn't want to spend his life behind bars with guilt clawing his heart out. Aaron couldn't have done that. He shouldn't have. Men wouldn't run away. He taught him that.

Aaron's phone rang. It was Erika. David decided he'd tell her Aaron had traveled to visit his mom. Perhaps that could buy him more time so he'd figure Aaron's place.


Erika couldn't understand why Aaron would travel without telling her. She knew he was secretive about his shit but not like that. Something about the entire ordeal didn't settle in her gut.

It'd been a week since David had told her. After that, he'd refused to answer her calls, much like Aaron. Which was weird. Sure Aaron had an awful habit of ignoring texts but for a complete week? That was out of place.

She stood by the gates. It felt like she was being sticky, but she couldn't hold back the worry anymore. She marched into the garden, straight towards the front door.

She knocked at least four times and stood like a fool for two minutes until David finally opened the door. Erika almost gasped. He was a fleshed wreck, an embodiment of insomnia and dishevelment. Black bags hung like grooves beneath his eyes. Grey eyes. Like Aaron's. She missed seeing them.

"Hasn't Aaron returned yet?"

David sighed. "Darling, I'll tell you when he does. Go home." He made to close the door but she slapped a palm on it, squeezing herself in. "The hell are you doing?"

"I left a book in Aaron's room. I wanna get it real quick."

"You can't—"

Erika jerked her arm free and disrespectfully continued inside. She hurried to Aaron's room.

"This is the second time you break into my house, Erika."

"Sorry." Erika entered Aaron's bedroom. She looked around. Atop the closet, the edge of his suitcase could be seen. She opened his drawer and found all his clothes there. "Oh my God."

"Erika." David caught her arm and dragged her out of Aaron's bedroom. "For God's sake, get out. Your book or whatever isn't here."

"His- his suitcase, his clothes—" she looked around, eyes falling upon Aaron's phone, "—his phone!" She raced towards it and picked it up. "How did he travel without all his stuff!"

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