"He's not coming is he?"  His voice sounded as if he wasn't even in the room. It was so distant even though he was right next to me.

"No, no he's coming he's just late. He probably got lost or something.  Yeah just lost that's it." I say trying to reassure everyone in the room including myself. 

"He's not lost.  He doesn't get lost.  Angels simply don't get lost." His voice starts to fill with anger as the distance fades.  "He just didn't want to show up.  He's being a fucking coward.  He's always been a coward, running away from his problems instead of facing them."

"Hey that's not fair Pete.  He's scared."  Ryan tries his best to reason with him.

"Don't defend him he's a fucking coward.  I always knew he would never amount to anything."  Pete shoots out of his seat.  "Hey Patty if you're just watching us from somewhere listen up.  You know what people used to say about you in school?  They called you a loser, a coward, a sissy, a little bitch, and a pathetic piece of shit.  I used to stick up for you.  I would make sure none of those names made there way to your ears but I was wrong to do that. Do you know why?  They were right."  He screams up at the ceiling.

"Pete stop!" Brendon screams shoving Pete.  It causes Pete to stop for a moment before the bullets shooting out of his mouth are aimed at Brendon.

"And for you."  He points a finger in Brendon's face.  "Your just a lazy bum with money.  You could be doing so much good with your life but instead you decide to waste your life away with drugs and alcohol.  Do you want to know why you didn't have an angle for so long?  It's because you didn't deserve one.  You only got Patrick because the saints had pitty on you,  so they gave you a coward who they thought would be to afraid to do anything.  Your life is one big mistake Brendon!" And with that last comment Brendon's fist made direct contact to Pete's face.  Pete was instantly on the ground knocked out cold.  As Pete hit the floor I was jolted out of shook and ran over to Brendon.  Ryan runs over to Pete at the same time.

I drag Brendon over to the couch away from Pete as Ryan checks that Pete is alright.  I look over Brendon's shoulder at the door way and see Patrick standing there with a stunned look on his face.  

Pete slowly starts to wake up as I run over to Patrick.  Without thinking I instantly rap my arms around him.  I don't know when I started sobbing but at that moment I realized the tears running down my face. 

"Thank god you're here.  Patrick thank god your here."  I cry into his shoulder.

"God has nothing to do with me being here."  His voice is stiff and cold.  I pull away from him and look at the mess in my green room.  Ryan is helping Pete onto a chair on the opposite side of the room as Brendon.  I don't think anyone has noticed Patrick's arrival besides me.

Patrick makes his way over to where Pete is being seated.  Somehow Patrick's next action was a complete shook to me.  Even with the poison that spewed out of Pete's mouth I wasn't expecting Patrick's normally calm and kind demeanor to change to a rage filled slap in the face.  Patrick walked straight up to Pete and slapped him across the face, and then more yelling followed.

"I can't believe you.  I trusted you with all my heart, you are everything to me.  Is it all one big lie.  Is our friendship, our relationship one big prank.  And maybe you're right about me being a coward but don't attack Brendon.  Brendon has done nothing wrong to you ever.  We are supposed to help him not hurt him. What is wrong with you."  Tears start to flow down Patrick's face. "I can't believe you."

Pete's reaction to this was even more completely unexpected.  He started laughing.  Not a mocking kind of laugh but one of joy.  "Thank the lord it work.  I don't know what I would have done if I said all that stupid shit for nothing."  He continues to laugh.

"W-what?"  Patrick sniffles and I'm left just as confused.

"Ok am I the only one who is completely lost in what's happening?" Brendon asks and we all shake our heads no.  "Okay cool." His voice trails. 

"Patrick I didn't mean a word I said I promise I just knew that you weren't going to show up on your own.  So I started saying the meanest this about you that I could think of, and when that wasn't working I started attacking Brendon hoping that would get you to show up.  I was ready to do anything to see you again even if it meant you will hate me forever." Pete explains.  Pete pulls Patrick into a hug but Patrick pushes him away.

"You're a dick you know that?"  Patrick says plainly.

"I know but does it help that I love you." Pete smiles a cheeky smile and they pull each other into a tight hug.

"You still deserved to get punched and slapped."

"I know."

"Well this is sweet and all but we still have another problem on our hands." Ryan steps in breaking up the sweet moment.

"I actually agree with Ryan for once.  I don't think we should celebrate yet." Brendon agrees.

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now