She wasn't a nervous person, but she wasn't outgoing either. Making close friends as an adult was a lot harder.

Luckily, Adam found her wandering.

"Eden, you made it!" He cheered, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. He was slightly buzzed, but mostly coherent. "Want a drink?"

Adam was a nice guy, so she was glad he saved her from spending half an hour walking around without talking to anyone. Of course, just as the two of them get talking, his friends insist on dragging him away for a minute.

Everyone at the party was just broken off into smaller groups, talking, so she found herself squeezing into a seat and listening for a while.

When someone tapped her shoulder, she turned around assuming it was Adam.

It was Ethan.

"Woah, what are you doing here?" She spluttered standing up.

"I was a little bored and figured I'd check out the party," he shrugged. His horns weren't there tonight. "And honestly... I hoped you'd be here."

Despite his horns being hidden, his skin was still hot and flushed. The red veins were harder to see in the dim lighting.

Eden found herself smiling.

Part of her was really hoping to run into him again. Maybe it was curiosity or maybe it was something else, but she'd been trying to figure out how to get him to visit.

And he came all on his own—he'd been looking for an excuse to find her too.

The two of them sit off in the corner and drink, and Eden catches Daphne giving a thumbs up across the room. She thought they were flirting.

"Eden! Adam wants to talk to you," a guy, Max, interrupts. "Sorry about stealing him."

"Oh! Uh, give me a minute, will you, Ethan?" She asks. He raises his eyebrows, but nods as Max leads her upstairs and points out Adam's room. "Hey, what's up?"

"Sorry about earlier. I was just hoping we could talk away from everything,"

Shutting the door behind her, she nods and takes a seat on his bed. She might've been a little clueless.

Adam was a gentlemen though, and that's partially why Eden didn't notice at all. He wasn't forward whatsoever.

His hand was resting on her knee, as Ethan walked in.

"Who are you?" Adam asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Ethan. One of the other guys invited me." He yawned, and Eden noticed him mouth something afterward and do an odd motion with his hands.

Adam nodded, stood up, and walked out without another word.

"What did you do to him?" Eden groaned. Ethan just made him think he had to take care of something downstairs.

"He likes you, y'know."

She didn't catch it, but his eyes tinted red as he said it. He didn't realize either.

"Right. Well, I'd appreciate it if you didn't do... that to anyone else here, Ethan. I know these people." That was something he'd have to get used to.

Typically, he would do whatever he wanted, when he wanted. But for some reason he didn't mind listening to her.

Ethan tried to convince her to stay upstairs and hangout where it was quiet but Eden insisted they go back to the party. Adam had completely forgot about the incident as if it didn't happen.

Deal with the Devil - E.D.Where stories live. Discover now