Chapter 1 where in primus am I? Going to the autobots base

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Firefly woke up, her pod was broken and in a crater on a new planet, she looked around, her red optics scanning the land.

"Where in Primus am I?" She asked aloud.

Her scans finished and told her she was on a planet called earth, she groaned as she stood up.

She whipped the dirt off her frame, clicking her one healed pede off the other to get some tried muddy dirt off.

"Primus....I'm gonna hate this planet it's so filthy here.....heheheh reminds me of home and knockout" she laughed.

"Wait a minute, THAT MORON JOINED MEGATRON!" Firefly shouted, she started to make her way in one direction.

She found a yard full of cars and found an Austin Martin, scanning and transforming she drive off down the road.

She was now on a mission to find her brother, who just a few  years older than her, others thought they were twins but she was just so small for she looked just like Knockout minus the  healed pedes.

She had driven for a few days and made it to a small town, she skidded to a halt and scanned around.

She saw some cars and noticed something was off about them, her scanner showed they were Autobots.

Three young humans got into and on them, she watched as they made their way to her and slowed down.

"KNOCKOUT?!" Arcee yelled.

'........they think I'm brother.....well let's play a game then' she said mentally as she spun around and drove off.

The three gave chase to her thinker was the con himself, no one noticed that 'he' was smaller than normal.

"Wait that's not Knockout!" Raf said.

:what do you mean that's not Knockout?: Bee asked.

"It has to be Knockout it's an Austin Martin build, same colours all over, it can be no other" Arcee said.

"Try to keep up!" The new boy called making a shard turn.

Firefly transformed and waited, the three Autobots stopped, the humans stepping to the side and they to transformed.

They each had a look of shock to their faces, Bumblebee nearly fell over pointing a digit at the femme.

"Problem Scout?" She asked.

:you never said you were a femme! I was hitting a femme?: Bumblebee said.

".....Uhhh nooo, that's...someone else, listen I'm new here my pod crashed, can you help me out?" Firefly asked.

"Ratchet we need a ground bridge" Arcee said into her comm.


"IS THAT KNOCKOUT?!" Ratchet yelled.

"Nooooooo I'm not him, Primus...can you help me find someone though?" Firefly asked.

"Who are you looking for?" Optimus asked walking over to her.

"My brother, and I think Megatron May have him" she said.

"What's your brothers name?" Ratchet asked.

"That's not important rate now, just tell me if you can help me or not" Firefly said.

"We will try" Optimus said.

"Thank you.....Optimus Prime" firefly said.

"Hey we never introduced ourselves, how do you know Prime?" Arcee asked.

".....I'm not stupid, I wasn't sparked yesterday, I've heard about him before I was stuffed into that pod" Firefly said.

"What's your name kid?" Wheeljack asked from the wall.

"Firefly, I was born in Kaon and raised there, as well as my brother, lost our family to the fighting when the war started, first our sire then our carrier to the cosmic rust, my either rushed us away to her request that we did let get it" Firefly said.

"Firefly? Firefly, firefly....I've heard that name before" Ratchet said.

"My sire was a medic, was forced to help out in that war zone to treat injured while on the battle field, was killed trying to help someone" she frowned.

"Yes now I remember, your sire was Fireblaze, I remember him always talking about you, but I can't recall your brother" Ratchet said.

"I said it didn't matter rate now, you'll know his name soon enough" firefly frowned servos on her hips.

"Where in Primus are we? Some rock or something?" Firefly asked.

"Or something" Arcee frowned.

"Are we the glitchy type" firefly smirked.

"WHY YOU LITTLE!" Arcee shouted.

"QUIET! Primus, Arcee go for a drive, you park it here now!" Ratchet said.

"Yes sire" firefly huffed, casually walking over beside the medic and sitting on the crate.

Arcee was mumbling under her breath and sped out of base, Optimus shook his head, he gave a small glance to the red femme and had a clue who she was looking for.

"We will find your brother in due time, Firefly" he said.

"Thank you" Firefly said now relaxing a bit.

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