Chapter 14 start of a relationship

335 14 14

Firefly sighed as she slowly typed things out, one button at a time. She heard her brother mutter to himself. They had been cooped up for some time again, and wanted to go out. They both hated being cooped up for a long period of time, Kncokout yelled in frustration and marched out of the med bay.

"Knockout? Knockout where are you going?!" Firefly asked as she raced after him.

"Going to our oh So glorious leader and adopted father to demand getting off this slagging ship!" Knockout snapped.

"Knockout you know he hates attitude! Hey!" She pulled on his arm.

"What?!" He frowned.

"I want to get out to, but yelling at Megatron won't help us any" she said.

"Then what do you have in mind?" Knockout asked.

"....just leave him to me" she smiled as she ran off.

"That femme" he sighed going back to the med bay.


Megatron stood by the large window, looking at the sky and clouds. He was so deep in thought, he didn't hear firefly calling him. Not until something hit his head.

"WHO DARES STRIKE ME?!" He bellowed.

"I dare" firefly smiled sweetly.

"Firefly? Have you lost your mind?!" Megatron asked.

"Actually I have, you've kept us cooped up for weeks again. We want to get out there and relax, go driving" firefly said.

"And what makes you think I'd let you two out of my sights again!?" Megatron asked as he walked over to her.

"Cause Starscream will be with us, and soundwave" she smiled.

"....fine, you can go out for a while" he sighed knowing he lost this little fight.

"Yay!" She beamed as she ran off.


Soundwave remained on the rocks that stood by the large pond they were all at. Knockout was busy watching some rabbits hop around at his pedes. Firefly saw Starscream sitting on a fallen tree, staring into the forest. She knew he was trying his hardest to watch for danger, like soundwave.

"Hey goes the guarding?" She asked.

"Nothing to threaten us if that's what your worried about" Starscream said.

"Not quite, but that's also uh, would you like to share some high grade?" Firefly asked.

"Wait are you asking me to join you for refuelling?" Starscream smirked.

"I am, so what do you say?" She smiled.

"I'd be delighted to join you, but why me?" Starscream asked.

"Well's um.." firefly looked down.

"Lame!" Knockout called out.

"SHUT UP YOU GLOSSY DOLT!" Firefly yelled.

"Oh come on you can do better than that" knockout smirked.

"I said shut it!" Firefly blushed.

"Wait what is he talking about?" Starscream asked.

"I...Commander Starscream I have feelings for you" firefly said.

"....." Starscream remained quiet, unable to think of anything.

"Star?...just think about it okay?, there's no rush to answer that" firefly said quickly getting up.

Starscream watched her walk over to her brother, then he looked up at Soundwave, he had a blank face emoji on his screen, then it changed to a winking one. Starscream knew he was telling him to talk to her, that she wasn't lying about having feelings for him.

"Primus...Firefly a word if you would mind" Starscream said getting up.

Firefly quickly walked over to him, only to gasp as he lead her into the forest for some privacy. Knockout looked to Soundwave, who nodded his helm. Knockout smiled as he knew Starscream was likely accepting her feelings.

A couple minutes later, a scream was heard, both mechs were on alert until Firefly came running over. A big smile on her face. She began to do a type of dance, the seeker came back slowly and smiled at the femme.

"So did you accept her feelings?" Knockout asked quietly as he walked up to the seeker.

"I did, I hope that's alright with you" Starscream said.

"More than fine with me, but like I said. You hurt her in any way, and I'll come after your sorry aft" knockout warned.

"Got it...what are your thoughts on future events?" Starscream asked.

"If you mean bonding, I say wait a little while. Take some time to build some romance, and a relationship bond" knockout said.

"Is that what you and breakdown did?" Starscream asked.

"Well...yeah...and then when the war was starting, he asked me to bond so we could better protect and find each other" Knockout said.

"Do you think Megatron will allow this?" Starscream asked.

"Not at first, but he will over time" knockout winked.

"Joy" Starscream sighed.

"Hey Star! Look at this!" Firefly called.

"What is it?" Starscream asked walking over to her.

"Well Sounds, what do you think?" Knockout asked as he joined the silent Mech.

"Relationship: long over due" soundwave said.

"Isn't that the truth" knockout chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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