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It is from someone I hate: Gretsch

I know

It's kinda weird, right? His name sounds like it's for a female. I wanted to ask him the same question.

But never mind, as if I care.

We're on the same group before when we worked for our final requirement in one of our subjects.

That's how I met him. 

We're actually the least among groups, which makes me feel pressured because I am aiming to be part of the dean's list. 

I hated how he joked around while I was being serious. He acted freely, while I, of course, wanted everything to be planned out. Maybe that's the reason he hates me too: I am too much of a perfectionist. 

Andhe favors pretty girls over those who are not.

It doesn't matter

But basically I am "not".

That's when I started hating him.

I don't really give a damn about pretty faces but because of him it made me realize that there are people who treat others unfairly. 

"Are you busy? Listen to this." Gretsch says. 

He'ssent me links before. Some are articles about the Dark Web.

Some things are too scary to even read, and the rest are chain messages so I don't pay attention. Butnow he sent me a link to a song.

"Not really I am just watching a Korean drama." I replied as I listen to the song he sent me.

"I knowthat drama: Dongman will die due to a head injury." He said.

Now I am pissed off.

See? That's what I am talking about.

Why is it there's always someone whodoes nothing but ruin the day, killing the momentum, and even spoiling themovie we love? For fun.

But for me it's not funny soI fought back, but as we argued all he did was laugh. Itried to argue that whatever he says are all lies. Desperately, Ieven searched for the plot of the story online. 

But that only made him laugh more.

"You're funny"




Alright that's the first time I heard that I am "funny" but it doesn't calm the mood.

"And you're not" I replied as I continuously try to look for answers.

"Why do you always take things seriously?" he says in the middle of argument. Like out of nowhere.

I imagined him grinning stupidly. It's his character; he is good at teasing people.

I tried to think how can I win his game. This is interesting

"You've got good grades but still I often see you studying. Seriously, I would like to know. No pressure at all."

He sounds insincere but curious so I replied anyway.

"I get respect from people..."

ONCE A WALLFLOWER: When will this story be mine?Where stories live. Discover now