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"They leave early because we're in 2 hours vacant, they are supposed to come back, but I guess they decided not to." I replied.

He was right

Maybe I just think too much about what I should say. I hope we could stay this casual, but I am starting to get him, I mean sometimes he goes deeper as if he's trying to get inside my thoughts.

"Why didn't you join them?" He asked.

"I just don't feel like it," I answered, still cautious.  

"Stop lying! You wanted, aren't you? But you just can't. Why?"

There are days I joined them, but I don't like the feeling it's kind of awkward.

Have you felt like you're in a room filled with people you knew, but you still feel lost and invisible?

Until I realize it's not my world and then get I'm tired of trying.

So I prefer this, alone at least I don't draw too much attention.

"Is it because you are shy? Or maybe because you've got curfew hahaha does your mom will get mad? " he added, making fun of me.


Curfew? What the f*ck

Why is he making me feel like he has a hidden agenda?

I knew it.

He is starting to dig deeper.

"First of all, what do you take me for? Why can't you just accept the answer?" I replied

"Why do I feel like you're trying to study me? Stop it. Stop reading me." I added.

Words are starting to come out of my mind.

"I've said it already. I don't want to, because I don't feel I am belong." I replied without stopping

I am mad.


I don't want people to look inside my mind because it's in chaos, sooner or later they will judge me: The way I talk and see things.

The way I discuss it, like for some people, it's not important!

But for me it is.

"See, I have just provoked you. Now, you're being honest with what you feel." He said

"Why do you always say it's fine when it's not." He added.



I was just carried away with my emotions.

"Well I am insulted. Thanks to you. Why do you even care?" Now I am talking with my curiosity.

"Because I know there's more in you and you just keep it inside." Gretsch says.

"I feel like you've got thick walls around you." He added.

"And it makes me persistent and interested because you surprise me every time." He said ending the message.

I type.

But I don't know exactly what to say.

I don't even know if I should believe him or not.

What if he's just messing around? 

But why do I feel like I am at ease ...

No more constraint.

After a long silence, I replied.

"Thank you."

For believing and seeing things in me.

ONCE A WALLFLOWER: When will this story be mine?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें