They smiled as more people came around and greeted the director.
He introduced me to more people in the industry.
I tried making small talk as I sipped on some wine, I was honestly out of it.

My eyes drifted off to the entry, and butterflies filled my stomach as I caught a glimpse of him.

I choked on my drink, coughing as I realized it was Tyler.

"Are you okay?" The director's wife chuckled.

"Yes! sorry, you said you went to Bali? I've heard it's gorgeous," I tried to pull myself together.

She kept talking as my eyes continued to follow him. He was in a sharp suit, I hadn't seen him in one like that. It fit well in all the right places. He wasn't wearing anything underneath the buttoned up top; I could tell because his chains fell freely on his exposed chest.

Of course he was here. He knew the industry. Fuck, I'd forgotten.

The director noticed him and called him over. I could feel my heart pulse in my throat.

I saw them greet eachother next to me.

"Have you met Nadine? she's a great student so far. I'm excited about her," the director replied.

I look up at Tyler, a slight smile on his face.

"No, I haven't." He spoke.

He pulled out his hand, and I shook it in shock.

"Nice to meet you, Nadine."

I had no words.

"Nice seeing you again man," Tyler turned his attention back to the director.

"Of course. Come by the set sometime. And we need to schedule another golf game!"

"Oh, for sure." He was slick.

He looked over at me one last time, a quick glance.

He knew what he was doing.

He wanted a reaction.

I bit my lip as I watched him move around the crowd and mingle.

After not seeing him for a while, he looked even more attractive. The fact was that he wasn't attainable anymore—he wasn't mine. I wasn't able to just go up to him and hold his hand. I wanted to feel the pressure of his hand on my lower back.

A girl made small talk to him across the room as she inspected his chains with a smile.

Her hand lingered on his chest.

A lady next to me let out a small yelp as the wine glass in my hand exploded, shattering around me.

It was a reoccurring theme that when jealously pent up in me it became an obvious danger to myself.

I inspected the blood on my palm caused by the glass.

I cursed as I excused myself and made my way to the nearest bathroom.

I cleaned myself up, looking at myself in the mirror one last time before getting out. I began to make my way towards the exit before I bumped into someone on accident.

"I'm sorry—," I looked up.

"My bad, I wasn't looking."


He started to walk away when I pulled his arm back.

"Stop fucking acting like you don't know me."

"I'm sorry?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Stop making me feel like I'm going fucking crazy!" I pushed his chest.

Everyone's eyes fell on us.

Security began to walk over.

"Miss, you need to calm down."

"Tyler tell them I'm not fucking crazy!"

They look over at him.

"Do you know her?"

"Not at all."

"Tyler!" I pushed him again, but security pulled me out.

"You're kidding. Oh my god, I know him!" I shouted at the security, but they wouldn't let me in anymore.

I cursed as I walked towards the curb.

I was going insane. I felt like I was stuck in a downwards spiral.

I told the uber to take me to Tyler's. If he wasn't going to talk to me, I was going to get something out of him whether he liked it or not.

I waited for him inside the living room, falling into the couch. I was tired; completely drained. My eyes began to close.


I woke as I heard the keys open the door.

I watched as Tyler walked in, placing the key next to the counter.

"Are you done? you made me look like a fucking idiot in front of everyone."

I made my way over to him.

He moved past me as expected. He made his way upstairs.

"I'm not doing this shit anymore Tyler."

I followed him into the room. He unbuttoned his suit; his back was turned to me.

"I'm fucking sorry. I'm sorry okay? you're driving me fucking insane. I'm literally going crazy. I haven't slept—I can't even think straight anymore. Everywhere I fucking go I see you. I know I fucking hurt you, I'm fully aware. I hurt you so fucking bad and if you don't wanna forgive me I get it. I fucked up real bad."

He walked across the room as he put the suit up on the hanger.

"If you don't want me anymore just tell me. Tell me and I'll stop bothering you. I'll never talk to you again—I'll stay out of your way. Just please fucking say something before I go insane."

He ignored me.

He sat on the edge of the bed and took off his shoes.

"Fine. Here."

I took off his house key from my keychain as I set it on the drawer next to me.

He didn't say anything.

Closer: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now