I felt his arm snake around my waist as he pulled me to his side and pressed his lips on my ears so I could hear. "Be careful sweetheart. I'll be watching you the entire time. Just make sure no one sees you coming out the back door with him and then we'll meet there." He spoke.

I nodded and looked up at him with a smile. "See you later baby cakes." 

He bent down to place a swift kiss on my lips before walking off.

I frowned as I saw the immediate female attention he began receiving as he walked through the crowd but grinned when I saw him literally shove a girl off of him that tried clinging to his side. 

My loyal baby.

I smiled then began walking over to the bar where Crawford was.

Shoving through the large flock of girls, I made it to the bar and leaned against it right next to him, not looking over at him yet as I waved my arm to call a bar tender.

I could feel his eyes watching me from beside as I purposely failed trying to get a server's attention. It was all part of the plan.

Then I heard him let out a loud whistle, causing a young server to rush right over.

I internally cringed. Who whistles inside a club?

I finally looked over to him and smiled gratefully. "Thank you." I mouthed over the loud music before turning to the server and ordering a water with ice and a straw discreetly. I wanted him to think it was vodka.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone at a club?" His voice creeped over.


I looked over to see him shuffling closer to me, leaving his upset groupies behind.

"I came with a friend but she ditched me for some guy." I answered, shooting him a small smile.

"That's unfortunate. I could be your friend for the night." He flirted.

Well I guess this was proving to be easier than expected.

"Yeah?" I bit my lip, looking at him through my lashes and feeling gross as he eyed me.

The things women have to do these days to get what they want from men... 

"You dance?" He asked, resting an arm against the bar and purposely flexing his Rolex on me.

"I love to, but I'm pretty tired tonight. I worked all day and I just wanna get home to be honest." I gave him a small smile, wanting to get over with this as quick as possible.

I saw excitement flash through his eyes as I already knew the plan he was forming in his sick mind.

"Well a pretty little thing like you shouldn't be working so hard." He frowned.


"Tell you what. I bring you over and we can have a nice relaxing night. I could call my masseuse and you could treat yourself to a well deserved massage. You could tell me all your problems and I don't mind helping you out, seeing as you're so young and full of potential. That sound good?" He smirked.

Gross! The sad thing was a lot of girls in unfortunate situations targeted men like him regularly because they made it sound so easy and knew just how to lure them in.

He truly did disgust me. I couldn't wait to knock his teeth in.

I widened my eyes in surprise and giggled. "You're kidding."

"Honey, does it look like I am?" He raised a brow, glancing at his watch and attire.

I wanted to knock him out right here right now, the urge was strong.

I bit my lip and pretended to think it over. "I don't normally do this... but okay! You seem like an interesting man and a massage right now sounds heavenly." I grinned.

"Perfect! Shall we then?" He gestured his arm out for me to take.

"We shall." I smiled at him.

As we walked past his group of rejected girls I mouthed an apology to them.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

"Why don't we leave through the back?" I quickly said.

"My car's parked out front sweetie." He replied.

"Well... I thought we could talk and stuff in the back, it's more private." I smirked at him.

His eyes lit up and he nodded, guiding us towards the back exit.

My eyes searched the club for Adrian but I couldn't find him. He must have picked a good scoping spot.

We walked out of the club finally and I took in the fresh air gratefully. Well, fresh air save for the old creep's strong cologne.

"So did you wanna tell me your name?" He questioned, facing me now with hungry eyes.

"It's Dorothy." I smiled brightly.

His face fell for a second but he quickly smiled back. "How about I just call you sweetie for tonight." 

"Okay!" I grinned back.

Crawford smiled back but his eyes were stone cold. He slowly crept closer to me and my eyes glanced at the door, waiting for Adrian to burst through like we had planned.

As he placed a hand around my waist a small sense of panic washed over me. It looked like I would have to take care of this one on my own.



The queen goes solo once again ;)

Sorry for the wait, next update will be more quick :D

THANK YOUU for 4k reads, I'm so happy everyone's enjoying this book, I really do work hard on it and put a lot of TLC into it <3 HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPPIE next one gets more kickASS

anywho TTYL :) I love n appreciate every single one of you, thx for the votes :)



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