Chapter Fourteen: Ops O'Plenty Part 4

Start from the beginning

"No reason, friend. I often find myself restless and wandering when Zofia is away." Alfons admitted. Robert nodded slowly. He could understand that feeling.

"How do you deal with it? Not knowing?" Robert suddenly asked. Alfons looked at him, his clear blue eyes filled with understanding.

"Perhaps because I was military it is easier for me. It might even make it harder, knowing what I do. Waiting is always tough on the family." Alfons said.

"It's not just the waiting though! It's all the secrets, the lies, never knowing if he's telling me the truth or just what I want to hear!" Robert burst out, quickly looking embarrassed at his impulsive words. Alfons only kept that same, kind smile on his face. Robert never felt judgement from Alfons gaze. There was no doubt in Robert's mind that his kindness was no doubt one of Zofia's most cherished parts about him.

"It is understanding, you feeling such a way. The secrets, about this place and what Zofia does here, pass my mind sometimes. But from what Zoe has told me it sounds like your brother's involvement goes deep. The CIA alone scares a lot of countries. The S.O.G's? They terrify government and soldier alike. Secrets and lies have taken root as a regular necessity in your brother's psyche, I imagine." Alfons said. The SOGs? The CIA? His head spun with the information. Kade had told him he was military, not CIA.

"The Central Intelligence Agency? Like the super-secret spy shit? Like Mission Impossible and Jack Ryan kind of shit?! Wait...are you even supposed to be telling me this?" Robert asked in rapid fire, a million more questions springing to his mind.

"I am not supposed to, I believe. But I am afraid of what would happen if I did not at least give you what little I know. We do not want another cold war between you and your brother." Alfons said with a joking tone. Robert said nothing, mostly out of shock and waited for Alfons to elaborate.

"I do not know the scope of what your brother is involved in. Zofia either. But, like all things, there are rumors and stories. Things Zofia has heard up and down the chain of command. None of them were good. They are called "Spooks" by some. "Spies" by others. But there is one thing everyone agrees on." Alfons said with suspense. Robert was literally on the edge of the bar stool.

"What is it? What do they agree on?" Robert urged him.

"That the Special Activities Division are elite soldiers made to do very bad things. Most of them do not come out the other side good men." Alfons said with hesitation. Well that would explain why Kade was so tight lipped.

"Are you saying Kade's a bad guy? That all the messed-up stuff he had to do made him....evil or something?" Robert asked.

"I do not know your brother enough to say. On the surface he appears contrary. But with a Spook, what's on the surface could mean anything." Alfons replied. Robert sat back on his stool, absorbing the information. Kade, a bad man? He just couldn't see it. But Alfons words just replayed over and over in his mind. With a Spook, what's on the surface could mean anything.

2030 Hours

January 15th, 2018

Deep in the Jungle, Colombia

The Estate

          Kade had been locked in his room almost all day. He'd come back in the early morning drugged out, babbling and pale as a sheet. One of Mabari's doctors had to be called over to flush all the drugs out of his system. A tox screen found a lethal dosage of assorted hard liquor, cocaine, molly and acid. The doctor said it was a miracle Kade hadn't died on the spot, let alone functioned the whole night and found his way home. Everyone had been stunned to see Kade in such a state. Even Caveira seemed shook, silent as the doctor listed off his ailments and the tenements to his recovery. Thankfully Kade had already established Sam as Mr. Raze's secretary so when Katari started calling Sam was able to reassure him that Mr. Raze was recovering and would be available the next day. Zofia's maternal instincts had kicked in and she had immediately nominated herself as caretaker. She sat by Kade's bed, reading a book by the lamp light as he slept, a light snore rising from his sleeping form every so often.

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