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So uhm, i really like this book. I mean, you all probably knew that but still. This is the best book i have ever wrote. And i know its not THAT good but im proud of it. I kinda wanna make it a real book. Not fully published, but i kinda wanna make it, and sell it on like amazon or something like that. but im only gonna do it if people would buy it. Im gonna go back through everything and fix spelling and shit like that so warning, you might get spammed and im sorry about that. and none of the little chapter breaks will be in there. Its going to be the full story. Im gonna make a copy no matter what cause i want one for myself buuut IF you guys would want one, please either dm or comment on this. 

Also i just wanna thank you guys fro reading this. It means the world to me that you guys care about this book so much. I mean i never expected people to ask me to update. like thats insane to me. Also to the one girl i met at the Dan and Phil concert who came up to me and knew who i was and said this book was amazing, Thank you. You made me feel so important.

-Chey Knight 

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