Once Blair and George had settled into their home and reached the age of twenty-five, many were asking about the possibility of children. Bill and Fleur had their first child, Victoire, two years earlier and the rest of the Weasleys were expecting the next married couple to announce a pregnancy. But the two hadn't even considered the idea. Instead, they turned up at The Burrow with Casper and Amber, claiming them to be their new, furry children.

"I think it's brilliant," Ginny mentioned with a wide smile. Molly didn't seem too content with the idea of having no grandchildren from the two and asked if it really was what they wanted.

"Could you imagine us taking care of some small humans, Mum? The chaos!" George laughed, adjusting his hold on Casper who was wiggling under his arm. Molly grumbled but chose not to comment any further. She would just have to hope that in the future, they would change their minds. But the others knew that wasn't going to happen.

Fred still lived above the shop in the flat. He had denied any possibility of turning up to The Burrow to introduce a lady friend and this also depressed Molly. He brushed off any attempt of his mother trying to introduce him to the daughters of her friends and he seemed perfectly happy living in the flat alone and working in the shop with George, Verity and occasionally Blair. But this didn't mean that Blair and George's home, now named The Hollow, wasn't short of his visits.

"Your fridge is empty again," Fred called from the kitchen and appeared with half a cauldron cake hanging out of his mouth. Blair huffed and put the folded sheets in the cupboard, taunting Casper out when she needed to shut the door. The black cat followed Blair down the hall before spotting George putting Amber down after his smothering. The felines met and snuggled their heads together, their tails high in the air and their purrs loud.

"You can go food shopping for us then. You eat most of what I buy, anyway," Blair suggested to Fred, taking the cauldron cake that he had also stuffed into his jumper pocket. She whipped out her wand and cast an Episkey charm, causing the scratches on George's face to disappear.

"Thanks, love!" he cheered.

"Does that mean I can come over more often since it's my food in your fridge?" Fred asked with a wide smile. "I'm sure Amber and Casper would love to have me around more."

With a roll of her eyes, she nodded and watched as Fred merrily skipped towards the front door. On the way out, he made sure to scratch at both Casper and Amber's heads and say goodbye to each of them as if they were humans. Blair sighed in a form of relief once the door closed and the house was free of Fred. She loved him, he was her brother in law, but he was bound to be the fun uncle that was infamous throughout most families. She guessed that when/if Ron, Charlie, Ginny or Percy have children, he would swoop in with crazy Christmas presents and turn up drunk to birthday parties. But for now, he needed to find a hobby of some sort or maybe someone else's fridge to raid.

"Thank Merlin he's gone," Blair heard George mumble. She had been checking the fridge to see if Fred was telling the truth when she felt lean arms appear around her waist.

Closing the fridge door, she turned around in George's arms and hooped her own around his shoulders. Blair stood on her toes in order to be level, but still stood just below his eye line. Regardless of this, Blair's insides warmed at the sight of his brown eyes. The crinkles that she adored appeared from the intensity of his smile and she nearly melted when he pecked her lips. A girlish giggle slipped out and her face heated up from giddiness. How can she be turning twenty-six in the coming months yet still giggled like a school girl when with George? It felt as if she was sixteen again; her heart jumping at the very sight of George in the Hogwarts corridors and getting excited for their after class shenanigans.

"I love you," she admitted, her nose brushing against his. The tingles that flowed from where his hands were on her waist made her knees like jelly and the breaths his nose let out were soft and soothing against her face.

"I love you too," he replied. He followed the curvature of Blair's waist with his hands and took in all of the features he had fallen in love with nearly a decade ago.

Standing in their quaint kitchen, Blair and George spoke in quiet voices with their lips occasionally locking together. Soft giggles and sweet nothings were said into each other's ears and they were glad they had gotten Fred out of the house for the hour. Married life was blissful and had made them closer than ever. Blair's diamond ring hadn't been removed from her finger for even a second and George's silver band had been a permanent member on his right hand.

A soft meow was heard and the two turned their gazes to their feet, seeing Casper and Amber staring up at them with their tails curling around their legs. They crouched down and picked up the felines, cuddling them against their chests and turning back to each other. George laughed at the sight of Casper squirming in Blair's arms and squished Amber against his face. The cats mewled but were trapped by their owners, eventually sitting helplessly in hopes they'd be put down. While Amber's orange colouring matched George's tangerine hair, Casper blended in with Blair's choppy, short, black hair.

"Look at our little family," Blair cooed and stepped next to George, petting Casper's head who was pushing his back legs against her torso. The mirror that they had hung on the wall when they first moved in showed the two holding their cats up and smiling brightly. Blair admired the view and saw George laughing in the reflection, enjoying the misfortune of their adopted children.

"Let's go outside," she suggested suddenly. But this wasn't a surprise to George.

The front porch was one of her favourite places in the entire house. A small patio sat under the window on the left side and had been decorated with a long sofa and coffee table. The cushions and blanket made the wooden furniture comfortable and Blair often caught George fast asleep in the afternoons across its length. He claimed he was just getting to old, but Blair knew that he loved the spot just as much as she did.

They stepped out of the house and were greeted with the sun setting over the hill that curved off into the distance. The field that surrounded them was plush with greenery and made the eye feel healthy when looked at. They often let the cats out of the house and out onto the porch, knowing that they'd never tread far enough to get lost. But they loved to chase after butterflies and chitter at the birds that antagonised them.

Blair held Casper, who had settled down from his struggling for a brief moment, and looked out on to the field. They were far away from the villages that they occasionally trekked to for a day out, making this their own little sanctuary. All of the past worries of hardships and Death Eaters seemed like a life time away ago. She was with what she needed and what she loved. She couldn't ask for anything more.

And as the sun disappeared over the hill, Blair turned to George, who was glowing from its beam and realised that all was well.


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