"You're not going to talk?" He started to phrase carefully.

Elliot shrugged. "You never answered my question."

"What quest-"

"You love him, don't you? Cyan. No officer is going to spend the whole time in an interrogation room talking about a witness. You haven't even asked me about any type of crimes you think I had a part in or about the drugs, or my entire cartel as a whole."

"I was getting to tha-" and again, Elliot interrupted him.

"You drove up all the way to see his mom. You haven't even told the department about him and his connection with me in fear that they'll take him away from you and resort to extreme torture methods to get information out of him and you drove around this city for hours to try and find him when he ran away."

"You know he ran away?"

"Answer my question first."

Mason was silent, his teeth gritted and eyes narrowed at the man in front of him. Why did it even matter at this point? Cyan could've been dead for all they knew, and it wasn't as if Mason would even actively act on the feelings he had towards the male.

"Do. You. Love. Him."




Mason stared at Elliot in confusion, not quite sure what to say. Good? What did he mean good? Mason needed to talk to Elliot and he needed it to be somewhere that the drug lord felt was safe and the only place that wasn't bugged or taped was the captain's office. Mason turned towards the door. "Follow me," he muttered as he opened the door and headed down the hall. He didn't look around to see if the male was following him but the sound of the handcuffs' chain was a good indicator that he was.

The captain had gone home for the night hours ago and Mason was pleasantly surprised to see the door unlocked. He motioned Elliot inside.

"This is the only place that isn't bugged or taped," Mason said, looking over to Elliot. Mason was tall enough, a good height over Cyan, but Elliot stood a couple of inches over him in a way that annoyed Mason.

"Sit in the seat." He muttered, watching Elliot cock his head and move over to the desk.

"You know Cyan ran away?"

Elliot stared back bored. "I know everything that happens."

"Where is he right now?"

"Probably drinking himself to death in some alley."

"You're very calm about this."

Elliot narrowed his eyes. "It's a learned facade. Cyan is spiraling out of control and he's spiraling too fast. I need this to be over already. You don't even understand half of the shit that goes through his mind on a daily basis. You may know about what happened at Canadice and some of the shit in his childhood but it only barely scratches the surface."

"And you know, how?"

"I didn't start giving him drugs to attach me to me or because I was too lazy to deal with his mental problems. I saw what he did to himself. I saw and I heard the torture that he endures in his mind. Cyan will find the easiest way out of dealing with his pain and the easiest way is death. You know it, Carter knows it, and I know it. The second easiest is drugs. I picked his easy."

"So why the fuck are you here instead of trying to find and comfort him."

Mason was upset. There was supposed to be satisfaction at having Elliot here but that was when Mason thought that he had a part in his sister's death. Now finding out that he didn't kill his sister, the entire grudge he had against him was suddenly dissipated. His anger against him had simmered down to a hard annoyance and that was only for his attitude, his crimes, and Cyan.

"The same reason why I'm here instead of overseas. Dangerous people are looking for Cyan because of his connection to me. Once I'm out of the picture and this is all over, Cyan is safe. Broken beyond belief but safe and someone needs to be there to pick up the pieces."

Elliot sighed. "I knew getting involved with Cyan was going to end one of two ways. Getting him killed or getting myself killed and I still made the decision to be with him despite it. I've prepared myself for it ever since I took him in."

"You're going to die in prison."

"I realize."

Mason ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "What does it matter if I love Cyan or not, he will never love me the way he loves you. I don't think he can love anyone the way he loves you, not even Carter. He's not going to allow me to help him, he hates being near me."

"That doesn't matter though."

Mason furrowed his brows. "That doesn't matter? How so?"

Elliot shrugged. "Because you'll be content." At the dirty look that Mason gave him, Elliot stood up and walked up to him. So close, in fact, that Mason had to hold back the instinctive urge to cower back at the intimidating gesture.

"You're in no position to threaten m-"

"No one's trying to threaten you, Reynolds. You won't be content because I threaten you, you'll be content because he reminds you too much of Dakota."

"Don't bring her up you manipulative bastard."

"It not manipulation, it's just the truth. Even if he doesn't love you, you're more worried about rather he's okay or not. You just want to make sure he's protected, so you'll force him to stand your presence. You'll force him to allow you to pick up the pieces until he willingly accepts for you too and you won't feel bad about it. You shouldn't. Cyan is stubborn but he has limits with everything and once he reaches that limit then he's forced to depend on the people who are there and ready to help and it'll be you."

Mason held Elliot's gaze until he couldn't anymore. He sighed and turned away.

"If his past is as bad as I think it is, simply loving him isn't just going to erase everything. It's not going to cure him."

Elliot stepped back and glanced at the clock on the wall. "That's why I asked if you loved him and not if he loves you. It doesn't matter who he loves."

"You're only saying that because you know that you'll be the only one he'll ever love."

"Sure," Elliot said drolly, crossing his arms and turning back to go sit on the couch. "Don't ignore your phone."

Ignore his phone? Just as Mason was about to question Elliot's words, his phone vibrated in his pocket.

"How did you-"

"We don't have time, answer the damn phone."

Stunned and slightly annoyed at Elliot's attitude, Mason dug the phone from out of his pocket and swiped up to answer the unknown number.

"Mason, tell Elliot that Cyan's heading towards lake Candice."

"Carter? How did you know that-"

"It doesn't matter!"Carter snapped harshly. "Cyan left me a voicemail. He was drunk and he was sad and I went to their old apartment to see if he was there but all I found was his journal. Tell. Elliot."


Mason pulled his phone from his ear, looking up to see Elliot standing up from his seat and if Mason wouldn't have known any better, he would've noted the worried expression that flashed on his face.

"We need to go don't we?" Elliot asked simply, receiving a nod.

"Right now."

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