"I don't want to go back there." she said.

"I know but you'll have to make it look like you're still in and out of there since you're being watched, literally. Just don't grab anything from your bedroom that makes it look like you're leaving for a while. Grab things out of the other room and closet. I noticed clothes in there when I was hiding."

"Fine. But you know he's going to just start watching your place." May said standing up and fixing her shirt.

"Yes, but Wade isn't going on the road again until next week, so there's no chance of anyone trying to get in here to bug the place or put cameras in."

May looked to Wade and said, "I can't ask him to stay in the house. He doesn't need to put his life on hold for me."

"What life?" Wade chuckled.

"I don't go anywhere. I literally sit here and play video games when I'm off work."

"You don't go out at all?" she asked.

"For what? There's no reason for me to. I bring home groceries when I first get into town. Other than that, everything I need is here."

"In other words, Wade's life sucks." Jake laughed.

"Fuck off man." Wade retorted.

"I keep telling you to get out there and date. These video games make you a hermit."

"I enjoy being a hermit when I'm not on the road, I work too hard when I'm out there. And you know I have no interest in dating. Leave me alone." Wade said turning back towards the tv and picking up his controller.

"About that room..." May cut in before Jake could throw another jab in Wade's direction.

"Right, it's this way." Jake gestured towards the stairs on the other side of the house.

There were two doors on the right, two doors on the left, and a door at the end of the hallway.

"First door on the left is my room. The second door on the left is the door to my bathroom but it stays locked from the inside. The first door on the right is the main bathroom. The second door is Wade's room. You'll be using this room." he said opening the door at the end of the hallway.

May walked into the room and immediately fell in love with the decor. The bed was a smooth dark oak frame with a headboard that stood at least three feet above the mattress. The bed-set was white with birch trees printed on the sheets and comforter. The pillows were big and fluffy that wore plain white pillowcases with a decorative pillow in the middle that matched the bed-set. The two dressers and hope-chest at the end of the bed matched the dark oak of the bed. The carpet was white with black speckles dusted throughout.

Jake opened the closet door and turned on the light for her to see.

"Jake, why isn't this your room?" May asked as she walked into the closet to find empty shelves and bars with empty hangers.

"Why would I need a room this big? I am quite content with my room. Besides, it's not small, it has its own bathroom in it." he answered.

"This room is beautiful. I especially love the bed-set." May said walking out of the closet.

There was another door on the other side of the room that Jake opened. It opened into a cozy bathroom that was equipped with a stand-alone shower, a Jacuzzi, toilet, vanity, and a sink with six feet of counter space on each side and a mirror on the wall that stretched across the entire length of the sink. "I'm never going to want to leave." she said smiling at Jake.

"I'm sure we could work something like that out later on." he winked.

"I'll be right back with things for you to sleep in and a new toothbrush and towels." he said walking out of the bedroom and down the hall.

May walked over to the bay window and sat down on the window seat. She leaned against the wall and stared up at the sky. Something caught her eye moving on the ground. When she looked, she noticed a shadow move into the bushes.

"Alright, here you are." Jake said causing May to jump up and turned towards him. "Did I scare you?" he laughed.

"Someone's outside. I saw a shadow move into the bushes." she said looking outside.

Jake walked over to the window and looked out over the yard. He didn't see anything.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, it was over towards the right." May said.

"I'll go out and look around." he said walking towards the door.

"No. There's no way for them to get up here, right?" she asked.

"Not unless they use a ladder and that would make some noise setting up. No one will get to you. They'd have to go past both my room and Wade's room first." he said walking over to her and embracing her in a hug.

"Everything alright in here?" Wade asked from the doorway.

Jake turned towards Wade and answered, "May saw a shadow outside."

Wade turned around and walked into his room. May followed him but stopped in her doorway when she saw him walking back out of his room with a handgun.

"Wade, there's no need..." she started but Wade cut her off.

"I'm making sure we don't have any nosy people hanging around. Just stay in here." he said loading the gun as he walked down the steps.

Jake and May followed him. Jake started walking around the house checking that every window and door was locked. He knew they all were but it put May's mind at ease. The front door opened and Wade walked in, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Nothing but the dogs from down the road." he said smiling at May.

"Alright, I'm off to bed. I have to open the diner in the morning." Jake said.

"I can go in early with you." May said following him with Wade behind her.

"No, you sleep in. Wade can drive you in for your afternoon shift. I need you to close up." Jake replied.

May reached the top of the stairs and turned back towards Wade, "Is that ok with you?" she asked.

"Absolutely. What else will I be doing?" he answered.

May nodded and the three of them disappeared into their rooms, closing their doors behind them. 

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