Chapter twenty eight: It's A Bloody Day.

Start from the beginning

"It's most likely the same. It doesn't seem like they went up here." He said.

I ignored him and I slowly walked into our bedroom and I saw there were scratches on the door to our bathroom.

"Look." I pointed as Sam followed me.

"Be careful." He said.

"I'll be fine." I said as I slowly walked towards the bathroom door, I saw a towel rail on the floor and I picked it up for defence because I would never know what was behind the door.

Once I get close enough, I slowly opened the door and as it creaked, I dropped the towel rail making an echo sound as it hit the floor.

"What?" Sam asked as he came closer to me and placed  his hand on my shoulder.

I looked in the direction of the mirror. It was a message dripping from the mirror. In blood. "We're coming for you."

I also noticed a huge, red handprint dripping into the sink next to the writing.

And as I saw it, I covered my mouth and screamed and I fell back into Sam's arms.

"It's okay," he whispered as he saw the message, "I'm here."

We sat on the floor and I turned around to see Sam's face. "It's just begun." I whispered as I hugged him tighter.


"Looks like someone bolted the door." An investigator said as Sam and I stayed close.

"What happened?" Lucas ran in and hugged me.

"They broke in." I whispered.

"You're not safe here." I saw Mark and Chris appear with a notepad each.

"We figured." Sam said.

"Detective Brennan and Detective Trent? We need to talk." A tall man approached us, he was the captain of the police department.

"Excuse us." Chris said as they walked to somewhere more private and it looked like a serious discussion. I could hear a little of what they were debating on.

"Sir, you can't do this. We have been working on this for years." Mark argued and that was all I could hear before it went silent.

"What do you think is happening?" I whispered to Sam.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good." He replied.

I hoped they were not getting into any trouble. I said their disappointed faces as the boss left and they walked over to us.

"Is everything okay?" I quickly asked and they shook their heads. "What happened?" I asked, feeling worried.

"Our boss took us off the case." Mark said sadly.

"What?" I yelled, "Why?"

"Because we're apparently too close to you guys and the rules state if you know someone who you are close with you cannot continue on with the investigation." Chris said furiously.

"What? But you have been on this case since it first started." Sam said, confused.

"Yeah but, we can't do anything about it or we will get fired, his words." Mark added.

"That sucks." Lucas decided to enter our conversation.

"So, what will you do now?" I asked, putting my arm around Sams back.

"Paper work." Chris said with a bored tone.

"We are gonna miss you, you are great detectives." I added with a smile.

"Thanks but we can still pay friendly visits every now and then." Mark smiled as they said goodbye and headed back to the police station, leaving us to deal with this without their help. They always made me feel better whenever something bad happened and of course Sam did as well.

"What is going on?" We saw Rachel and the three children coming up to us.

"I locked the door." She said as she kissed Lucas on the lips.

"We know, they just broke in." Lucas explained as he told the whole story.

"Where are we gonna stay?" I asked.

"Surely we can stay here." Lucas said and we all looked at him with the 'are you kidding me' look.

An officer interrupted. "This place is an official crime scene so find somewhere else for the meantime." He smiled as he headed inside for more investigating.

"Jamie, myself and the kids will stay at mine." Sam said as Hillary arrived.

"Anyone is free to stay at mine," Hillary added, "it's all over the news."

"That was quick." I said and everyone agreed.

"What about Jess?" I asked.

"Well, I spoke to my lawyer and I'll get the house if I pay her out and she is also staying with her parents in New York so it's an empty house." Sam smiled.

That made me feel a little better. We sorted out our housing arrangements and Sam, George, Julie and I headed back to Sam's place. When we arrived, we got inside as it was getting dark soon.

"What a day." I commented as I got inside and the kids ran upstairs.

"Thumbs up for that." Sam laughed. "Hey?" He asked.

I got to the living and I sat on the couch. "Yes, baby?" I smiled.

"It feels like I haven't kissed you all day." He said as he sat on the couch next to me.

"Well, in that case." I say while placing my lips onto his.

"Just like the olden days." He smirked and we kept kissing until we couldn't breathe.

I stopped the kissing and looked at him. "I can't help but think of Jacob and if he's dead." I said as I touched his cheek.

"We will find him, I promise you that." He smiled.

"You are the best." I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's get the kids to bed." He said, getting up.

"It's funny how this day has gone fast." I commented and he agreed. "Have fun." I laughed, heading into the kitchen to pour us some wine.

"Ba-by, I know places we won't be found and they'll be chasing their tales trying to track us down." I started singing a song that I heard on the radio on the ride home called, "I know places" by some female singer that I had never heard of. I kept repeating the lyrics over and over because that was all I knew.

I finished pouring the wine and turned around "Shit!" I said as I dropped a glass on the floor. "Sam, you scared the shit out of me." I said while putting the other glass down and placing the other hand on my chest.

"Did anyone tell you that you have a great voice?" He asked me as he leaned by the kitchen door.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, hoping he would shut up about it.

"Didn't you think to take your voice seriously?" He asked me, helping me clean up the glass.

"I guess." I replied. He stared at me. "What?" I asked. He looked sad. "Well, I never got to do it because of what happened to me." I said with sadness.

"Oh, Jamie." He said, hugging me just after we cleaned up.

"It's fine, I'm fine. I didn't even tell anyone until you heard me." I said, embarrassed.

"Let's forget the wine." He said.

"And do what?" I asked as he smirked. "Don't tell me to sing again." I said, annoyed.

"Well, there is that," he paused, "or there is a empty bed ready to be slept in." He smirked and I smiled with relief.

"Seriously, that sounds a lot better." I laughed and he smiled as he picked me up and carried me while half my body was upside down, hanging over his shoulder. "What are you doing?" I giggled as he ran upstairs and we closed our bedroom door.

And the fun began.

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