1. Begin

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Long time ago, since the ancient times, there's a gem, a special gem that can predict your love life. When human finally understand the uses of it, they start giving it to their children when they're old enough.
Alfred F Jones is a young man with great passion, he's been dreaming about meeting his soulmate one day so he take on a
trip around the world to increase the chance. Alfred family and relatives support this idea and said that they'll pay the bills so he just went with it.

At first, he went with his twin, Matthew William, but he found his soulmate in Germany and stayed there since, making Alfred  continued the journey alone. To be honest, Alfred kind of jealous of his brother but glad for him the same time. Luckily, he found Mathias, a Danish, who also on a trip to find his soulmate, they quickly become best friends due to their personality and continued theirs journey together.

Mathias Køhler met Alfred in a coffee shop, they talk and talk about their plans for future when they found their soulmate. Alfred found out Mathias is from Denmark and working as a baker but quit when he had enough money.

Mathias told him about a dream he had, a dream about this boy with a cross on his blond hair with beautiful deep purple blue eyes. That boy is the reason for why he start searching in the first place.

Authur Kirkland, a florist, have a cursed heart, a cursed that forbid him into loving some one. He lived with two more people, Lukas and Vladimir, they're the only ones know about Authur condition.

Lukas Bondevick, the one that knows about Authur condition because one specific reason, he's also cursed. A heart of ice, can't show emotions, but he can show a little bit for his housemate. He's the oldest among the three but Authur is the main money supplies for one simple reason, Authur drop off college and start working while Lukas continued to study and have a part time job instead.

Vladimir Popescu, the youngest, same with the other two, is cursed. A heart gloat for emotions, that explain why he always want to be with someone. And he's the only one who had found his soulmate, a Bulgarian. But he lives in the UK with the others is to find the cure for the curse. Vladimir stayed at home and took online courses, while the others go to work, he do some chores.

There are one thing that the trio keep as a secret
they have magic

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