Chapter Ten: Where Is Rachel?

Start from the beginning

most nights I'll walk into his room to check on him and I'll see him laying in his bed asleep clutching a picture of him and Rachel together tear stains on his face and open on the bed is a photo album full of pictures of him and her, but every night I always wake up to him screaming and crying out Rachel's name and I would run in his room to see him flaring around asleep having a nightmare of Rachel and I have to shake him awake by screaming his name at him only for him to wake up and hug me tightly while sobbing into my shoulder.

To break the awkward silence between us on the balcony I spoke, " where you out looking for her and hanging posters again?", his voice cracked when he spoke, " yea...", I sigh and look down, " did you have any luck with seeing her or hearing anything about her?", I already knew what the answer was going to be but I keep asking any way in hope that we do hear something or see her...he was silent for a good ten minutes before I noticed more tears fall from his eyes and his hands begin to shake as he speaks with a shaky voice, " no....I didn't see her....or even hear anything about her ", he looks down as he begins to sob and I pull him in a shaky hug trying to stay as strong as i can for V even though I can feel tears begin to sting my eyes once more.

V hugged me back as he cried once again into my shoulder as he spoke, " I miss her Jungkook .... I want her to come home and be safe....I want her to be alive", I could feel my heart breaking as V spoke to me...Rachel being gone has been a toll on everyone except Suga who was unconscious still....I could care less about Suga I'm glad Rachel put him in Acoma...he deserved it for hurting I felt V shaking in my arms I spoke to him to give him strength, " I miss her to V...we all do....and we will find her and bring her home...and she will be alive and she will be safe", V took a deep breath and he sniffled as he look at me his tears coming to a stop.

V spoke with a shaky tone " how can you be so sure that we will find Rachel and bring her home safe and alive?", my breath hitched...the question that V asked me shook my heart...I cant be sure that we will find her and bring her home? and I cant be sure that she will be alive and safe when we bring her home either?, I looked at V who looked at me and I could see a faint sign of hope in his eyes...I cant be sure? but I need to tell him something so he don't lose hope..., with a shaky voice I spoke, " I can be sure that we will find her and that she will be safe and alive V because Rachel is strong and she is a fighter...she will not give up so easily and neither will we....we will keep searching for her V and we will find her and we will bring her home".

I looked at V and he nodded his head yes as he spoke to me, " Thank you Jungkook...I needed to hear that to keep my hope up for finding her", I smiled " your welcome V", V was about to speak again when we heard someone running to us me and V quickly looked at each other and we ran back in closing the balcony door and we where met by a sleep deprived Jimin stopping in front of us catching his breath, " Jimin what is it? what's going on why where you running to us for?", Jimin caught his breath and he spoke, " I came to tell you that", Before I could speak V said something, " you came to tell us that you found Rachel?", I looked at V and I saw a raise of hope in him but when I looked at Jimin he looked down and I already knew it was gonna be bad news's.

Jimin caught his breath and looked at us with a sadden look then spoke, " Sorry V...we haven't found Rachel yet or heard anything about her....what I came to tell you guys is that Suga is awake", I felt anger boil up inside I said I knew it was going to be bad news's I looked over at V and I saw that his face went from hope straight to anger and despise Jimin sensed the change in us and he spoke, " look I know that you two are not happy that Suga is awake because of what he did to Rachel...I get that me and Jin are not very thrilled about it either but Suga is still are friend and he is still our family and RM wants us to be in there with him in case he freaks out".

I heard V growl and then he spoke with hate in his voice, " I'll go in there with him but I wont enjoy it...he hurt the one person I care THE MOST about and now she's missing and we cant find her...we don't even know if she is alive or not because of what he did to her so yea your damn right I'm not happy that he's awake", I watched V storm off to Suga and Rachel's room where Suga was staying at while he was in Acoma and Jimin sighed and looked at me.

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