4: Dying Ain't What Its Cracked Up To Be

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"Mum I'm going to the Skate Park with Alissa" I exclaimed while grabbing my board. Alissa and I were gonna mess around with our newly found powers, which we had just discovered and revealed to each other mere hours ago. Mum had just cut me off at the front door and handed me my helmet "don't forget this and please be back by 5, unharmed" she added. I nodded with a smirk
"I promise" I replied. She kissed my forehead and I laughed
"Bye mum" I laughed while clipping on my helmet and glancing at my watch.

I ran to the old Skate Park which is vertically abandoned now and smiled looking at my watch, it took less than four seconds to go from my house to the park. Alissa got up from the edge of the bowl "for someone with super speed, you got here slow" she laughed. I shrugged and dropped my board on the ground
"Is this how it is, you flap you gums while I skate like a pro" I smirked. Alissa shook her head and grabbed her board "you wish Denny Girl" Alissa smiled while jumping into the bowl.

I ran flat stick at my board and launched into the bowl my self, landing with a thud. With full speed I was propelled up the side of the bowl, I leant backwards and spun. I had stuck the landing. I slowed down so I was beside Alissa "dude no way, 360 backflip, you've practiced haven't you" I blushed lightly
"You have, man I hate you" she laughed.

I nodded "wait for the main show, I'm going for the double" I said with a cocky grin, Alissa shook her head "Den, don't, we don't know how far your, ability will go, if you stuff up, I'm not gonna be the one to tell you mum that you died" she exclaimed. I shook my head "sorry, I didn't hear you" I exclaimed. I climbed out of the bowel and took an easy three feet for a run up, with all the speed I could muster and rocketed into the bowl but something was wrong. My wheels wore out too quickly and I was thrown upward without a board, I had gone up an easy ten feet. Falling backwards down I heard Alissa scream, I smacked down on half of the bowl and instantly blacked out.

Waking up had to suck, my head throbbed, my body was in more pain than I've ever felt and the sun was bright "what the heck happened" I groaned. Alissa saw me and wiped away her tears as well as Nash and Sam was just plain freaked out, I felt my back start to move and gasped as it snapped back into place. I screamed in agony, but at least now I could sit up and see the damage. My right arm and both of my legs were twisted in gruesome and disgusting ways, with my left arm I guided my right arm back to a normal position, this was followed with the distinctive crack of the bones moving back into place.

The worse part during my bone and limb reordering was the pure and utter pain I felt, everyone starred in awe as I finished my left knee "that feels better, now could someone please tell me why they are here" I groaned puffing away. Alissa handed me a bottle of water which I finished in seconds, Nash sat in front of me "how did you do that, is this some sort of prank" she asked. I rolled my eyes
"Dude I think I just died, I don't know if you know this but dying ain't all it's cracked up to be, so back off or tell me why your here" I snapped.

Sam approached "well I might be able to explain, this morning, I woke up in my bed floating, later I found out that I could fly, before I left school, Nash came up to me asking if anything weird had happened to me, we talked for about half an hour when she had a vision of you dying" Sam explained I shook my head
"Wait a vision, like you saw the future, what did you do on the way here, take the scenic route or did you just wanna see me die for the giggles" I said now fuming in anger.

Nash was offended "excuse me but we go here as quickly as we could" she started, I shrugged "well obviously not fast enough"
"Look can we all just calm down and reflect, your not dead that's the main thing, now how are we gonna explain this to your mother" Alissa gestured to me. Nash shook her head "we have to tell someone, of not who will fix us" she exclaimed. I shook my head and tried to stand, but I felt a intense pain in my ribs. I looked down and nodded at the four ribs sticking out of my tank top, I pushed each rib in biting the inside of my bottom lip as I did this.

Standing up I stretched "I can't tell my parents, my mum will kill me for trying to do that trick, and my dads a scientist so that ain't good, we make a pact right now that this stays between us, besides I love my powers" I told. Nash wasn't happy she was a mayor control freak and we weren't doing as she told. Alissa and I huddled around each other "dude we, can use this" I told, Alissa huffed "maybe, you talk though" she added. I nodded and we broke apart. I turned to Nash "I wonder what would happen if anyone found out about this" I smirked.

Nash instantly got worried realising where I was going with this, I could actually hear her heart rate increase "your not changing my mind, I'm getting rid of this curse" she told. Alissa stepped forward
"Just imagine this, let's say you tell your parent, what at you going to say, you can see the future, that'll get you locked up in the psych ward, and if they believed you and told someone, who do you think will be the ones to help you, the government, they'll use you like a Guinea pig to see what else you can do" I stated.

This got Nash's cogs turning in that Brian if her's "but if you agree to the pact, we will give you some much needed information to assist your campaign" she told. Nash didn't have a choice, she had to say yes, the chance our information will help her reach a goal on her personal agenda is way too much to pass up "fine I will agree to your terms" she said shaking my hand. Alissa and I smiled as Nash walked away.

"So Sam Superman, mind if I blame this on you, like we helped you with some movie project" I asked gesturing to my bloody and torn clothes. Sam nodded
"Yeah sure, oh if you guys wanted to, hang out and talk superpowers, I've got bunch of comics we could check out, ya know, research" he smiled. We both nodded "sure sound like fun, err crap, I gotta go" I said looking at my watch.

"Denny wait"
"Yer Sam" I asked irritated
"If what I think is right, your abilities may leave you with an extremely extended lifespan" he told
"How extended" I asked paying more attention
"So much you'll look the way you do now, possibly centuries into the future, from what I can gather, your basically, immortal" he told. I smiled at the very thought "that's awesome, might wanna extend that bucket list then huh, look I gotta go, bye" I grinned.

I ran to my board and then ran back to my place, walking through the door mum nearly had a heart attack "before you say anything, a kid at school asked of we could be his movie his making, and as you can see, it got kinda *deep cough! messy" I told.

Mum nodded "well I wish you would tell me before" she said, I nodded and spun my skateboards wheel "mum can you remind me to get some new wheels, I'm down to my last set" I told as I walked up the stairs
"Aren't you going to have dinner" mum asked. I shook my head
"Na I feel like I'm pretty dead, might just crash, night" I smiled.

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