0: Prologue

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"Oh god" I said wide eyes as I glanced up at my alarm clock which didn't go off again. I chucked off my blanket and ran to my ensuite and brushed my teeth, combed through my tangled mess of blonde hair and chucked on a tank top and shorts. Hopping down the stairs with my bag and skate board on my back my left shoe in my hand, I headed to the door when mum handed me my helmet "thanks mum, gotta go tho" I smiled while running out of the door and chucking my board on the floor.

I had just caught up to the bus stop, but not the bus, I kicked my board up and ran for it "wait, wait, hey, I know you can hear me" I exclaimed. The bus stopped and I skidded beside the door, the door creaked open and I smiled at the bus driver. I walked in the bus and then stopped in the middle, taking a seat next to my best friend and partner in crime Alissa. Alissa was of Japanese decent and we've known each other since the third grade.

"So your alarm clock was busted agin huh" Alissa asked, I nodded

"Yep, I really need to get a new one" I huffed. Alissa laughed and handed me a ice coffee, I drank it quickly and smiled "hey, are we good to go today" I asked. Alissa nodded an to rubbed my hands together "this is gonna be awesome" I grinned in anticipation.


And that's the prologue I hope you enjoyed that, if I get 3 votes I will post the full chapter. See you so @demi_god0 out

Ps: shout out to @cupcakeKrazy !!!!! Give her a follow

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