Chapter 12: His Anger

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They approached the manor and Axel looked in awe

"They rebuilt it pretty well huh," he said

but Ciel just ignored him and walked inside up to his study when Axel called to him

i know which room is mine so don't worry" Axel laughed

and Axel walked off leaving Raven alone with Sebastian so she decided to go help Sebastian with his work she knew it was best to let her brother cool off
so she walked off with Sebastian

"so he saved you did he?" Sebastian spoke

"yeah from Ash, who knew i could get into trouble in one day" Raven laughed

"i knew because trouble always has a way of finding you" Sebastian chuckled

"oh thanks for the support" Raven giggled

when suddenly a voice filled the room

"Raven come talk to meeeee," said the whining voice

and obviously, that voice belonged to Axel Raven looked at Axel then Sebastian

"it's alright my lady you can go i am almost done here" Sebastian smiled

so with that Raven followed Axel back to his room the hounds still weren't really used to each other so there was some occasion growling

"Raven, do you remember anything? like about becoming a demon or anything about the night you were taken?" Axel asked suddenly which made
Raven's eyes widen not expecting to hear that question before looking down pain written all over her face as she shook her head

"no i don't remember a thing all i remember was a cult kidnapped me i almost died and this dark figure saved me by making me into a demon" she explained she felt
like she was on repeat first Ciel asked those questions and now Axel how many times was she gonna get asked those stupid questions but before Axel could say or
ask anything else Sebastian knocked on the door before entering

"My lady, your brother wishes to speak with you," Sebastian told her

so Raven decided to excuse herself and go to Ciel's study just barging in like always as Axel explored the manor it had been so long since he had been at the
Phantomhive Estate, the last time Axel was there was when Rachel and Vincent Phantomhive were still alive the only people who ever showed him any kindness who looked
after him when he had no one else, he basically considered the Phantomhives as family

After a while, Raven left Ciel's study heading to her room as Ciel also left
Axel wanted some fun and being a dark demon he turned into a black shadow and scared Ciel who jumped from the scare

"ha got you shortie!" Axel laughed turning back to normal as he capped his hands together

"Axel god damn it" he breathed

"can you be a little more serious and not a complete idiot" Ciel added coldly
which made Axel pout

"well sorry Mr Phantomhive I'm sorry for having fun," he said sarcastically

as he went to head off before Ciel stopped thinking about what Axel just did as he thought
about what Raven said when they talked about what had happened to her and what she had said she saw

"a dark figure saved her" Ciel muttered to himself
this made Axel stop dead in his tracks

"what did you say?" he asked not turning to face the younger boy

"when Raven came back she told me a dark figure saved her and turned her into a demon and thats all she remembered the figure she saw that was you wasn't it?" Ciel said

"no, it wasn't" Axel replied with a dead expression

he never wanted them to figure it out he wanted to hide this information from then but now that Ciel knew he was there
Axel was screwed

"don't lie to me! you're the only darkness demon around of course it was you, why huh? why the hell were you there with her?" Ciel yelled he was furious at their old

"fine i was there, is that what you wanna hear? well, i was there i was with her, i saved her, the least you could do is be thankful!" Axel growled

but before Ciel could get another word out Axel had already disappeared down the hallways so Ciel walked around the manor

"he knew he knew the entire time and never told me he never made a damn effort to even call me and tell me where Raven was instead he let me think she was dead this
entire time" he muttered to himself
when he bumped into his butler who wore a slightly worried face

"Master what's the matter?" he asked noticing how pissed Ciel was

"I'm fine what do you need Sebastian?" he growled coldly at the demon

"uh well dinner is ready and Axel and Raven are waiting for you my lord," Sebastian told him giving a smile

but Ciel just seemed angrier and stormed off to the dining room to see his sister and Axel together laughing like everything was fine but Ciel's mind kept ticking
going over what he and Axel said as they all ate dinner the blue-haired boy staying quiet most of the time which caught his sister's attention

"Ciel what's the matter you look...." she started

"mad, annoyed, upset, pissed, yeah that's about right" he spoke coldly

"Hey, what's wrong?" Raven asked her eyes filled with worry

Ciel looked to his side to avoid his sister's gaze as Axel gave the
'don't you even dare look' but Ciel decided Raven had to know what he found out

"what's wrong is Axel that is what is wrong!" he yelled annoyed as Raven look at both boys confused

"why what did he do?" she asked worriedly
this made Ciel look at Axel with a dead look

"You wanna tell her or should i huh Axel!" he growled looking at the purple hair boy

"Raven i don't know what he's talking about" he sighed shrugging his shoulders

"oh bull Axel when Raven was kidnapped when she was viciously stabbed repeatedly on the altar table, who was there? who turned my sister into a demon huh? who was the
dark figure that so-called saved, my sister? oh, wait it was you!" Ciel said his fists were clenched tightly he was so mad
Raven was surprised as she turned to Axel

"i-is this true was it you?" she asked her voice shaking as she talked

"No Raven it wasn't," he said getting defensive

"Stop lying! but hey my question is why did you turn her into a demon for if you were there the entire time you could have saved her way beforehand, you could have
saved my sister from all the pain she had to endure but no you sat there and let her suffer!" the bluenette exploded

this time Axel had nothing to say, no defensive, no sarcastic answer nothing he was completely quiet this proved Ciel was right

"I-It's true isn't it?" she asked him her smile was completely gone like any bit of happiness was drained from her.

(Okay so i haven't updated this story in a while, but i got good ideas from a friend of mine, so now we can have more chapters! Yay!😊)

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