A Mission From Alois Trancy Part 2

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"mum dad?" she said

"yes dear it's us" they replied with a bright smile

Raven was instantly brought to tears and she jumped in their arms and hugged them

"I thought you were dead" Raven sobbed

"no honey we are here why would we be dead?" they asked puzzled

"no reason" Raven smiled so she let go of her parents and ran off

"that was weird they can't be real can they? if they weren't I wouldn't be able to feel them and I was at the Trancy estate so how did I end up here?" she said

they can't be real I'm 13 in a 9 years old body then her train of thought got ruined when she felt a tug on her sleeve it was Ciel well 9-year-old Ciel

"what is it?" Raven asked

"let's play," he said cutely

"I can't later okay?"

and Ciel nodded and ran off Raven entered her parent's room by mistake when she saw the fire bow on their wall

(which is this)

"what?" she whispered

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"what?" she whispered

so Raven went to get the bow when she heard

"excuse me, young lady, what are you doing?"

she turned to see her father damn it I can't say anything I need to act like a 9-year-old

"I'm sorry father I wanted to play with it," she said

"I can't stay mad at you but that is not a toy alright?" he said

Raven nodded

"anyway it's late and you need rest," her father said

then he picked  Raven up and carried her to her room and was put to bed this isn't right none of this is something is seriously going on but until I figure out what is happening I must act like the daughter I was all I remember was a demon then everything went black then I woke up here that demon must have had something to do with this Raven thought

she got up and left the room I need to know the truth why am I here? she thought she got the candle and walked the halls when she smelled something awful it was almost suffocating

then Raven saw the purple fumes so she followed it and when she got to a door the fumes stopped so she entered it oh the old drawing room Raven scanned the room to see if the fume trace was around anywhere nope no fumes anywhere but she looked towards the windows and there was a message "not everything is as they seem" it said then it vanished then suddenly Raven heard

footsteps and they stopped right out front of the room she was in so she quickly hid where she could see everything but couldn't be seen the door flung open and her parents

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