Chapter 1: The Imposter

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When Sebastian and the servants come to the manor there was a day where Ciel was quiet and wasn't ordering everyone around, the servants grew worried because on the same date and month he would act this way every time so Sebastian walked to Ciel's study.

"Young master why are you so quiet? this isn't like you" Sebastian asked

Ciel knew he had to tell him so he wouldn't ask again

"Fine a few years ago same with the rest of the stuff that burned that day I lost my sister, my twin sister I don't know what happened to her so I always take this day to remember my time with her" Ciel replied coldly

"why this day my lord?" Sebastian asked curiously

"because today's her birthday" Ciel replied quietly

"is she?" Sebastian was about to ask

"probably, I think she might be dead" Ciel replied coldly cutting his butler off

so Sebastian decided to leave his master alone so he left the room only to run into Meyrin and tightly in her grip was a letter

"Sebastian a letter arrived for the young master" Meyrin stated panting from running

"thank you Meyrin I shall bring it to him straight away" Sebastian replied

so he walked back to the study and knocked gently on the door

"what is it now?" Ciel called

so Sebastian walked into the study

"a letter arrived for you young master" Sebastian replied handing the envelope to Ciel

As Ciel opened the letter and read it  his face dropped

"It can't be" he whispered

"what is it, young master?" Sebastian asked

"it's a case from the Queen" Ciel replied not looking up from the letter

"but your face never goes like that so what is it about?" Sebastian questioned

"The Queen said that this might pique my interest well she was right" Ciel replied

"so what did she say?" Sebastian asked out of sheer curiosity

"The Queen thinks the suspect is my sister She has been accused of a crime it being associated with a cult the markings of the cult has been spotted in many parts of London the Queen suspects someone from the cult or one of the cult's victims is alive and drawing them the Queen wants me to investigate the crimes, I think someone has stolen my sister's identity her majesty claims to have seen her around town so I will investigate this matter not only because of the suspect but because this cult is the one who marked me and I want my revenge " Ciel replied with a hint of anger in his voice

"but this might be her it's either she's dead or alive we have no proof of either and the cult can't be alive I obeyed my order I killed them they can't be alive none of them survived " Sebastian replied

"well we will soon found out now won't we?" Ciel said

and Sebastian nodded

"if it's not my sister but some stranger or thief or a member of the cult I don't care I want you to kill them and that's an order are we clear?" Ciel said with a cold and a serious voice

"yes my lord" Sebastian replied with a smirk

later on they when the went into town Ciel looked everywhere but there was no sign of his sister or any cult member when he was about to give up and return to the manor when he saw a girl walk out of a shop she had blue hair and she looked like Ciel's sister with the memory's he had of her and what she looked like he knew it wasn't a member of the cult he had a clear memory of what they looked like he was glad it wasn't the cult but still furious at the suspect for their drawings.

"HEY!" Ciel yelled

The girl turned to face Ciel only so he could see her piercing cold dark blue eyes and she ran off so Ciel and Sebastian chased her but she had already vanished into the shadows of the London town.

"Now I know what the Queen meant when she said the girl looked my sister, a little too much like my sister but she wouldn't draw the marks would she?" Ciel panted out of breath from chasing the mysterious and mischievous young lady suspected of the crime

"Maybe it is her" Sebastian added

"looks can be deceiving if that was Raven she would have run towards me not away from me she's my twin sister she wouldn't run from me I know her to well someone has stolen her name an I'm going to find out who" Ciel replied frustrated

but Sebastian again smirked never has he seen his master so determined for anything but this was the first.

(okay so sorry if this long it just kind of happened but never the less I hope you enjoy this story and all anime characters belong to their respective owner I don't own black butler or their characters)

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