chapter four : now that the human is gone

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Blair POV

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Blair POV

"No Edwards she is lying right what about me I'm your mate " the human cried.

Alice was looking at Edward and I with shock and confusion.

Edward sighed looking down before speaking

"It's the truth"

Bella gasped before turning to Alice

"You said he was my mate Alice, tell them this bitch has lied," Bella grumbled.

Alice looked at Bella with wide eyes .

"I I I'm sorry Bella I never saw.." Alice drifted off looking at me.

I smirked at her before grabbing Edwards hand  and threading my fingers through his and turning my gaze to Bella who glared at me.

My father cleared his throat sensing the tension

"Okay so now that we know young Bella is not Edwards mate what shall we do with her?" He asked looking over at Caius who was glaring at Bella.

"Well brother I believe it's time Demetri has had his lunch," Caius grinned wickedly excited for the human to die.

Bella and Alice gasped while Edward tensed up and gripped my fingers tighter

I looked at him with worry before asking him

"Are you okay?"

He looked at me shocked that I would ask him that.

"Caius can't kill Bella she's innocent, my love she may not be my mate but I still don't wish for her to die" Edward mumbled looking down but all the vampires heard him.

I swallowed looking at my uncle who was glaring at Edward until they switched to me and his eyes softened.

After a second he grumbled and said

"Fine Felix take the human to wait outside."

Felix nodded taking Bella by the arm ignoring her protests and pulling her out of the throne room.

Alice looked scared probably of what we were going to do to her and what was going to happen to Bella.

I sped towards her surprising her and smiled.

" now that's the human is gone, hi I'm Blair Edwards mate!" I exclaimed.

Alice looked at me with shock before slowly showing a smile and was about to speak when Abel broke out in laughter

"Oh god Blair that was hilarious" He wheezed out.

I mockingly glared at him and turned back to Alice.

"Any questions?" I ask.

Alice sighs

"Yeah how did I not see you?" Alice asks confused.

Edward walked up from behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist and burying his face in my hair

I sighed finally answering

"Well I have a power that gives me whatever I need at the moment and I'm assuming it must have blocked your visions from seeing me" I answer honestly

Alice nodded a bit amazed.

"So what will we do with the young couple?" Marcus asks.

That made me finally realize the situation and how I would have to leave my family.

I turned to Edward my eyes showing my sadness but not a single tear came out.

Sensing my sadness Edward spoke first

"If you want to stay I will stay with you." Edward said sincerely.

I nodded not expecting the answer before sighing.

"No I'll go meet your family and we'll see how that works out" I spoke back.

My father went to argue but I shot him a glare as if to say not now

He sighed before saying

"Abel will go with you, you leave tomorrow but the human stays in the servant quarters"

I stifled a laugh while finally taking a look around at all the vampires.

My life had officially changed

Blair (E.Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now