chapter fourteen : rosalie

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Blair POV

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Blair POV

I've been at the Cullen residence for about a week now and it is starting to feel a bit more like home everyday.

Abel has been trying to woo Angela since the first day of school and I believe it is slowly working however she is still hung on some kid named 'Eric'

I am not totally sure who that is but I believe it is when of the boys who hangs in Bella's every word so I don't think Abel has too much competition.

Edward and I have also gotten closer, which makes me believe he and I were meant to be.

The way mates work is similar to that of an imprint with the world stopping and all that strange wording. However all I knew was that Edward and I were very much in love and happy and if anyone tried to mess that up, their head would be on the ground.

Bella has surprisingly not been on top of the Cullen'a as much as we thought but she still tries to make conversation with Alice who speaks to her to keep up her nice image, however I have a feeling Alice would rather not.

"My love what are you thinking about"

I look up Edward who looks at be with a curious smile.

He can read my mind if he pushes however my power makes it that he doesn't feel my thoughts as much as others.

"Oh nothing just thinking about you" I smile.

He smiles back with a laugh and plops down next to me on our bed.

"My dad called" I turned to him.

"Hm?" He questions as he grabs me in his arms and lays us down.

"Apparently Jane and Alec are making a visit." I say.

His mind looks to be rushing a million times faster than it was a second ago while he looks at me with a puzzled expression.

"I thought he said Abel would be enough protection why are the Demon twins coming as well?" Edward questions.

I hug him deeper in his chest not really wanting to answer the question.

"Blair" He playfully growls.

I pull away with a post before groaning.

"Fine I may or may not have told Demetri who told Heidi who told Felix who then told the twins about how rude Bella is being to us in general, and now suddenly the twins want a "normal high school experience"" I say using finger quotations.

Edward lets out a scoff as he places the puzzle pieces together.

"Will they kill her" He looks at me with a dead serious expression.

I pull him closer to cuddle him.

"Probably not but maybe" I let out a yawn. "Now shush and let me rest"

Edward let's out a breath before pulling me close and with a tiny squeeze that told me this conversation wasn't over I drifted off to my mind and went through the closest thing I could get to sleeping.

Rosalie POV

"I'm telling you I would much rather be in the pits of hell than sleep anywhere near Bella" I hear Blair tell Emmett.

My husband lets out a booming laugh as Blair tries to reason with him.

"No no I'm completely serious at least in hell it's somewhat amusing to see all the demons running around and compared to Bella, Satan has to be like Easter bunny" She explains.

I'm not even sure if Emmet even heard her reasoning as he continued to burst out laughing.

I sigh coming out of my place on the door frame.

"I got to agree with Ms Princess over here, Hell does sound more enticing." I grumble plopping into Emmett's lap as he continues to laugh.

Blair continues to speak but I started to zone while looking at her.

Although she was royalty, you could never see it. She don't hold herself higher than anyone but saw good reasoning that told her when someone wasn't a good person.

*Cough* Bella *Cough*

Edward seemed happy with Bella but u don't think it was what he really wanted. The Edward with Bella and the Edward with Blair could almost be too different people by the difference of emotions in his eyes. One held care while the other held devotion and complete and utter love.

After seeing Edward at his lowest when he was going through the rough patch with human blood and seeing him now shows how life can turn itself around.

I smile at Blair while she continues to go on.

"I could totally get the devil to laugh I mean come on have you met me I'm hilarious" She rambles.

"Blair" I cut her off.

She looks at me confused.

"Yeah" she mumbles tilting her head.

"Thank you" I smile.

She looks even more puzzled as she tries to figure out what my words mean.

"For what..?" She questions slowly.

I shake my head with laugh.

"Nothing just thank you"

She still looks like she doesn't entirely know what I mean but laughs and continues again with rambling.

'Thank you.'

Authors note:


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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