Dylan Spritz POV: New love/broken love

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The baby was just as beautiful as her mother with the same blue eyes like a clear blue sky.
I had felt love before but never like this, tears dropped down from both of my eyes as I held my baby girl. 'Wow, you are beautiful' I thought. I looked into the eyes of my baby recognising them as her mother instantly. It was an incredible feeling of joy and love. I had finally had the baby I had desired with the girl I adored more than anything else in the world.
I looked at Chelsea who's eyes were now closed, it was very peaceful and felt a lot quieter than before. I squeezed Chelseas hand and looked at her but no response, she must of tuckered herself out giving birth.
"We did it Chelsea! We did it!" I yelled. No response. I wondered if she was okay, I turned around to see her and her eyes were closed, no sight of those beautiful blue eyes. She seemed stiff and lifeless, I squeezed her hand, no response again. I was starting to worry.
"Doctor is she alright, she's not responding! She's sleeping right?"

The doctors looked at me like they didn't know what to say, things were supposed to be good weren't they? The baby had been born and Chelsea would need to rest wouldn't she? There should be no reason to worry now should there?

"Mr Spritz, was your girlfriend feeling stressed or having any heart problems before you brought her here?" The doctor asked me.

"Well yeah, you don't understand the shit we went through last night! We were nearly killed! My friend Lily is in the emergency room with a gunshot wound and she was in shock but so were the rest of us and we are fine! Just tell me is she okay?" I snapped.

The doctors walked over to her and examined her properly. I couldn't take anything in right now, plus the nights tragic events were still on the back of my mind. None of us were clearly coping.

"Tell me she's sleeping please!" I begged as the doctor walked back towards me.

"I'm afraid the stress was too much for her, it sent her into a deep depression and I'm assuming she went into a stroke from the stress while giving birth. This commonly happens when mothers are in a state of panic or shock and haven't had immediate care before pregancy. I'm afraid there's nothing we could of done to save her."

"Save her?! What the fuck are you talking about?! She was alive! You liar! She gave birth, she was breathing! No!"

"I'm afraid...she is gone."

"No! No! Nooooooooo! She's not, she's sleeping, she's in a deep coma, she will come around, she can't be. This doesn't happen. EVER!"

I looked over at Chelsea and although I pretended to deny the truth I knew it was the truth that my girlfriend had departed. I handed the baby over to the doctor and bent down to the side of the bed many tears now pouring down my red face even more than before.

"You were right Chels, this is one big nightmare and we will wake up soon." I sobbed quietly while holding her unresponsive hand and burying my head into her chest. I continued to whisper to the one love of my life as if she was still with me.

"I'm so sorry babe, it's all my fault. I could of protected you, I should of never let you on this camping trip, I should of never stopped investigating who the killer was, I failed you. Remember the baby we spoke about having once, she's right over there. Same eyes as you, beautiful blue eyes like a clear blue sky on a sunny day." I started to blart even more than before.

"What will I do now? Without you? I said I wouldn't know where to go from here if you left me, life will not be worth living. We finally got the baby and now you have to leave so soon. You made me the person I have became today, you looked after me, you stayed so strong and you kept me strong but now I'm weak once more. All alone in this cruel world, I lost one best friend and the only girl I'll ever love. I now have nothing to lose anymore well maybe one beautiful thing in my life that you and me both left behind. She's as beautiful as her mother, I'm thinking we name her Rhiannon, you liked that name remember? How will I deal with things now Chelsea? How will I cope without you, I told you no matter how tough things get I'd carry on but it was always me and you against the world remember. I love you! I love you! NOOOO!"
I sobbed uncontrollably on Chelseas chest still losing her hand hoping I would receive a squeeze back soon but I got nothing. The doctors avoided looking at me while I had my moment saying goodbye to my girl and kept my baby from seeing anything. I was lost now, I had lost the girl I had loved, lost my friend Finn, lost an old close friend Joe, lost Katie, my old best friend. All of a sudden George looked through the window at me, he knew exactly what was going on and he sobbed too. He had lost Lily and all of us were feeling more alone than ever.

After a long ordeal at the hospital George came to me while I was standing outside of my baby's hospital room. I was leaning against the wall with my hands in my head still tears rolling down my eyes and feeling nothing but broken all around the Inside.

"So.. what did you name her?" George asked awkwardly.

"Yes. Rhiannon Chelsea Broker Spritz." I sobbed.

"So you still going to carry on right? You always said without Chelsea you wouldn't be able to."

"I didn't think I would." I cried. "But now I have one reason to carry on this world. Just one reason that I keep going."

"And what's that?"

I pointed towards Rhiannon in the room through the window.

"Her! I will do everything for her! She's got the same eyes as her mother and she's the last trace me and Chelsea had together. Without her in my life now I'd be joining Chelsea tonight, I would end it all tonight to be with her but she wouldn't want that. I have an obligation to my child and keeping her safe now. I won't fail her like I failed her mother. Rhiannon Spritz will be cared for and looked after very well. When you have a child you feel love you never thought was even possible George, it's a great feeling. She will be protected from everyone and everything. That is a promise and I will not break this one."


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