Dylan Spritz POV - Finn Fitzpatrick here?

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"I told you Dylan, let's face facts. Our best friend is a murderous killer!" Joe cried.

This didn't make any sense to me but at the same time nothing about this whole situation did! Why would George kill all of these girls? Did he really cheat on Lily or was he using that cover up for murdering a victim? Would he really put his relationship on the line for that? The rain carried on pouring down, I tried to rub the raindrops from my head but it was useless as it wasn't getting any lighter.

"Dylan wake up and look around! I was right!"

"But it makes no sense! Why would he do this?"

"He's always been a bully! It makes perfect sense! Always teasing me and making fun of me! He gets some sick thrill from hurting others!"

"That day we got that letter, he came around with you and Lily after it got posted. You was all together."

"I did not come with him! I met up with him at your house!"

"But he was with Lily, she would of knew something!"

"Maybe she was in it too."

"No, you're making this all up. You're twisted!"

All of a sudden we heard a car swerve into the car park, the car had evidently been speeding down the road to get here.

"What the?!" Joe yelled.

The car stopped. It was Finn Fitzpatrick.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Joe asked.

"Dylan, you're not safe here." Finn began."The killer is amongst you, I know you won't believe me but..."

"We already know Fitzpatrick! The killer is George!" Joe cried with an angry expression on his face.
"We found this in his car, the killers clothing!"
Joe showed him Finn the gas mask.

"Oh my fucking God!" Finn cried.

"Wait a minute! None of this adds up Joe!"
I yelled.

"It makes perfect sense you fucking idiot!"

"No! You're telling me George killed all of these girls, sent my girlfriend a death letter minutes before arriving at my house with his girlfriend, and killed my girlfriends cat? Why would he do that?"

"Guys calm down!" Finn cried.

"Stay out Finn, the truth always comes out in the end as Joe says here."

"The truth is he is the killer, you're too blinded by friendship to see it!"

"He can't be!"


"Guys stop this!" Finn cried. "We will figure out the truth!"

"We already know it! I know it!" Joe said strolling up and down.
"How did you know the killer is among us anyways?"

"The killer is close to Dylan, very close in fact!"

"Yes, like I keep fucking saying! It's George! The evidence points to him!"

"You are blinded by hate!"

"And you are blinded by friendship Dylan! Whys it so difficult for you to see? Why don't we go and ask him right now?!"

"I...don't know what to do! Or what to believe anymore! You've lost the plot Joe!"

"Guys, this is too dangerous! We need to get you away from here, Joe let me to talk to Dylan on my own for a second please." Finn asked politely.

"Fine! Maybe you can talk some sense into him!"

Me and Finn sat in his car which was a lot more comfortable that standing in the rain.
"Dylan, don't you see?"

"I don't know what the truth is Finn! I never expected the night to go like this, tonight was supposed to be about love and friendship. Everything is ruined now."

"Dylan! Don't you see, the killer is one of them! It's either George or Joe!"


"It's one of them! Remember it was always someone close to you! You tell those two everything, it's not your fault but I've been thinking a lot and this trip, he could strike again!"

"But the killer never strikes while males are around! Is it really one of my best friends! I had suspicions but it just...can't be...it can't!"

"Dylan it will be alright, I came to save you guys! We need to get to the tent and wake everyone up!"

"Wait, where's Joe?" I asked as I looked to were Joe was previously standing.

"Fuck! We need to get to the tent!" Finn cried and we got out of his car then ran towards the tent where Joe was about to enter with the gas mask in the hand.

"Joe wait!" I yelled.

"I'm confronting him! The murderous scumbag!"

"No you wait there! We will wake the others and discuss this!"

"He's going to kill your girlfriend, can you live with that Dylan?!"

"We don't know the fucking truth just yet! We will find out Joe, no matter what the truth is!"

The lightning struck even more often than before every couple of seconds. We were all soaked from the rain, our hairstyles had changed, dangling down our foreheads while we all stared at each other. The wind started to get heavier as the raindrops carried on tumbling down. The killer was amongst us and I knew this to be true. It was either Joe or George but we couldn't take any risks until we were all out in the open.

"Wear the fuck is going on here?! " George yelled as his head poked out of the tent.
"Finn? What are you doing here?"

"He's here because he knows the truth, we all do!" Joe screamed with a menacing look on his face.

"You what? The truth about what you freak?"

"We know it's you. You're the killer!  We know it is!"

"You fucking what?!"...

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