Dylan Spritz POV - Jess Walkers party plan

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The following Saturday we arrived at Jess's party. Jess had a large house that was painted white with dark brown roofing. I knocked the door. The garden had a pathway with hedge bushes and flowers scattered along the grass.

"Remember don't be dickheads lads. You are only here because of me." I told George and Joe as we awaited an answer.

"Yeah whatever. I'm on the pull tonight, smell this aftershave." Joe said.

George coughed. "Fuck me. That shit is strong. How much did you put on?"

"Enough to attract women towards me." Joe said.

"You smell like an industrial accident at a Lynx factory." I joked.

"You got that joke from T.V. I smell sexy!" Joe said.

Jess answered the door. She coughed.

"Sorry lover boy over here used to much aftershave." I told Jess.

Jess coughed again. "It's fine. Come on in guys."

We entered Jess's house. The party was jammed. The kitchen was full of alcohol, spirits, vodka and beers along the counters. People were laughing, drinking, downing shots. The living room was full of pretty girls dancing, lads filling the corners with huge speakers blasting party music next to the huge Plasma Tv.

"Wow!" I said as we walked through to the kitchen.

"Enjoy yourselves! Chelsea should be here soon Dylan." Jess said.

I looked over to the sofa in the living room to see Hucklefinn sitting on his own while he was sipping on a bottle of beer.

"What's he doing here?" I asked Jess.

"Well you said you needed information. What better way than to get him pissed." Jess cried.

I laughed. "I like your thinking Jess!"

"No problem. Leave him for a while. He's sober right now. You lot help yourselves to beers and please don't make too much mess." Jess told us before she walked away.

"Things will get messy in those bedrooms tonight." Joe bragged.

"You ain't pulling shit tonight! They won't be choking on your dick they will be choking from your fucking aftershave!" George joked.

Joe tugged on the collar of his shirt. "We shall see."

We walked towards the alcohol and each grabbed ourselves a beer.

"So where's Lily?" I asked George.

"She's coming with Chelsea. Do you really think you will resolve your issues with her?" George asked.

"I don't know." I replied. "She's pissed man! Never felt apart from her for this long."

"As if there are actually security guards here, guarding the pool outside, the front door, the upstairs." Joe said.

"There's a killer on the loose who is coming after my girlfriend. I'm glad Jess sorted security out." I told Joe.

I looked over to the front door where I saw Finn Fitzpatrick standing.
"Oh my god! Finns here! Katie's ex."

"You mean the suspected killer?" Joe asked.

"He's no killer. Finn is a good guy and I need to talk to him. I'll be right back." I said before leaving my friends to approach Finn Fitzpatrick.

"Hey Finn. How are you?" I asked.

"Terrible. The police have been questioning me all week about killing the girl I still love." Finn said.

"I'm sorry about Katie. She was such a great girl. I used to close friends with her." I explained.

"I know. Dylan Spritz right?" Finn asked.

"At your service!" I replied.
"I can't believe something so horrible happened to a girl like her."

"You have no idea." Finn said looking at the ground.

"Well I might have some idea soon..." I replied.

"What do you mean by that?" Finn asked me.

"It's my girlfriend Chelsea. She has been receiving death threats from someone I'm certain is the same killer. The psycho killed her cat and posted her head at the front door with a horrible and weird message. And the first letter came to my house and it mentioned Katie. About how he killed her and how he is going to do the same to her."

Finns jaw dropped and his eyes widened.
"Shit! That is fucked up man! And the police in this town are useless!"

"That's why I decided to investigate for myself however I kept the first letter from her and now she is really pissed off with me. I got to make things right with her today before I potentially lose her." I told Finn.

"Do you have any idea who would know anything?" Finn asked.

"Hucklefinn might know something, speaking of which I need to ask you. Is it true Katie was having an affair with Hucklefinn?" I asked. "Because I really don't think she would do that but I need to know what you know."

Finn squinted his eyebrows.
"Hucklefinn? That fat fuck in there? I know he developed a crush on her and they spoke but even if she did have an affair I'm pretty sure she'd pick someone better looking than him."

"So they were friends then?" I asked.

"Yeah." Finn replied. "When he was upset, she used to comfort him. He would always come for advice or attention after that. Then a few weeks after the rumours started. Katie assured me it wasn't true and made me promise not to do anything to him which I stuck to."

"So they spoke a little bit but someone made up rumours about them?" I asked.

"Yes. I didn't like it one bit but after these rumours started she broke all communication with him. After that he turned into a right moody bastard." Finn explained.

"I see that. Jess has brought him here tonight. She said if we get him drunk enough he might talk and tell us something we don't know." I said.

"Good idea. I'm going to grab a drink. Do you wanna come?" Finn asked.

"Sure!" I cried before following him into the kitchen.

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