Killer POV - Targeting twins

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Okay it's time. Many months had passed and I couldn't find any way to get to my target Chelsea Broker. She has many close friends who are acting like security, probably better security than at that party. Haha! Okay I was hungry and I needed to feed. There were these twins at school, popular girls, who were always the best kind. I knew there routine was to walk from their friends house every Thursday night home together. The twins names were Naomi and Natalie Campbell, they were so identical I could barely tell them apart. They had long blonde hair down to their necks, green eyes, clear smooth skin.

I grabbed my gas mask and robes and stuck my gloves on. I also grabbed my tool bag. I walked outside at a very late time around midnight. It was very windy and foggy so it was easy to manoeuvre through the streets with a mask on but I still took my precautions and stuck to shadows. I heard the girls coming my way, I hid behind a bush on a garden.

"I think that killer has finally disappeared, it's been months now and nobody's heard a thing." Naomi said.

"Please don't talk about this killer while we're walking through the fog, mom and dad would kill us if they knew we snook out too. Ever since that party they have been more overprotective than ever." Natalie replied.

"What do you expect? That killer got through security, nobody heard from Jess all weekend so it must of happened at that party. Poor Jess, I still miss her."

I threw a small rock towards them.

"What was that?" Natalie asked.

"I dunno!" Naomi replied.

The twins stood still looking all around. I could just about make them out with all the fog but they couldn't see me.

"This is creepy, let's get back home quickly!"

"Jeremy told us he would walk us home, why do u never let him?"

"Because he's a prick!"

"Fuck you!"

I walked towards them slowly, a hammer in my hand. I stared at them both through my mask, little would they know I was smirking.


"It's the killer! Run!"

And they ran, I ran after them.

"I don't want to die!" Naomi cried as I chased them down the streets.

"Help us! Help!" Natalie screamed.

I continued running at them with my hammer raised but they were very fast. All of a sudden I heard a voice.

"Oy! You! Stop!" A dark haired, beefy looking man has came out of the house and started to approach me.
"You want to use that hammer, fucking use it on me, you scum!"

Shit! This has never happened before, the man got closer, I raised my hammer to scare him.

"Go on! Do it!" He shouted.

I couldn't do it, he was not my desired target. I pretended to throw my hammer at him to make him flinch and as he flinched I made a run for it in the opposite direction. I ran for ages but didn't have to run for too long as the fog helped aid my escape. I was unsuccessful for the first time in my killer career. This made me very angry! Things were getting a little too tough and now my identity could be exposed as to what I wear. Things were not going to get easier now, my Killing days would not be over but I would sure have to stop doing it for a while...

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