Killer POV: Power, dominance and lessons

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There was nothing but silence in the car of Finn Fitxayrick, the body of Finn lay in the front floor by the driver seat in a pool of blood while George was unconscious slouched in the passenger seat. My weapons was still pointed at Dylan's head waiting for a response.

"So you going to help?" I asked.

"Help you? No matter what happens you won't get away with everything you've done!" Dylan cried.

"I could frame George or Finn of course, then again everyone might have to die today. Then I will be the hero...who survived...then I will have the reputation, the women will be lining up for me. The country would love me."

"You've lost it man! You really have!"

"You can be a little too brave sometimes Dylan but then again I hear confidence is key nowadays, Shame really. My confidence never gave me the easy route so I had to reach out and grab what I wanted."

"To kill girls? To rape their bodies? Really, that's what you wanted? How can you say and do all of this?"

"I did the necessary. I made things happen without confidence, without being myself, I had control!"

Dylan did not reply but looked down with tears still rolling down his eyes.

"I never intended to hurt you Dylan, I just wanted my friends back, I wanted attention from girls, I wanted respect!"

"You killed my friends, you killed a cat, you threatened to kill my girlfriend! Is that not hurting me?!."

"Maybe taking away things in your life would make you realise things, realise me. Not just that of course, i had reasons for all of the things I did. Katie rejected me to stay with Finn, Jess never even acknowledged my existence when I was nice to her and as for Chelsea, well if she was out of the picture I would have my friend back, he would actually notice me and my struggles but no that girl was so important to him he would leave other people in the dark, the cat was just a warning that I wasn't playing around. Those twins never acknowledged me either, no matter how many times I tried to speak to them in the halls. Always laughed at me or giggled or called me gross, too many people were mean to me Dylan, I had to teach them a thing, how powerful I could really be whether I was in disguise or not. I don't expect you to understand but you will soon enough, your time may be up soon but knowledge can be power even in death."

"How do you really expect to get away this plan? You've failed most plans, you couldn't kill those twins, you couldn't touch my girlfriend."

"YOU KEEP FORGETTING WHO IS HOLDING THE GUN DYLAN! You forget there are two girls trying to sleep in a tent right now and if I wanted to get to them I could and you couldn't stop me! Poor Finn over here wasn't meant to die it was just an accident but I've got no remorse he's just another guy who took a girl away from me when things were good."

Dylan looked like he was about to speak but stopped himself. He continued to stare down at the floor still clearly in shock from finding out the truth about most recent events.

"What shall we do about poor George? Shall we bump him off too maybe now I've killed a male victim au won't feel so bad about it. He always bullied me so this position I'm in right now is the greatest fun! I have control over you and him, I have control, I have the power I didn't know I was capable of!"

"Joe stop, this is not you. I can't believe anything right now."

"This is me and what au had to become, two personalities have become one. I am the killer, Joe Kurtis, I have achieved things now, they may write books about me or make a horror film, and I'd be the star that gained all of the credit. I have left behind a legacy now and I do not fear death as the rest of you do, I made my story count whether I get away with things or not, I really don't care anymore!"
I pointed the gun at my head while grasping Dylan's throats with my other hand to make sure he didn't struggle.
"You heard of Russian roulette? That may be fun. I pulled the triggered halfway but did not press it fully down.
"I could end my life right now if I wanted, and I would not be punished for the things I have done, my life is complete now. Should I pull the trigger Dylan, that would make an interesting story especially when you and George are found with two bodies in Finns car. Any story would be fine by me."

"You don't care what happens do you? You never cared!"

"I cared a lot that's why I did what I did, it made me feel good, I had power! I cared about a lot of people but I always gave away more than I took, I got sick of it, people needed to learn. Now you know the truth you either help me or die, or both. Either way you are helping me!"

All of a sudden the car was hit with a bang. It was Lily.
"Oh my god! He's dead! George! Is he?!"

"Stay still!" I whispered and got out of the car.

"Joe? What the fuck?!"

"Sorry Lily!" I yelled before shooting her in the stomach. She screamed and fell to the wet pavement. Blood now spilling to the floor mixing puddles of water with puddles of blood.

"NOOO!" Dylan screamed. I quickly turned around and pointed the gun at Dylan again.
"I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut! Get out of the car now! Me and you are going to the tent to pay your girlfriend a visit! I asked for help and you refused, now it's your time to learn a lesson!"

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