Chapter 9: The Future is Saved

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There was silence after Erik's speech. That was, until Nixon stepped forward. The Secret Service agents tried to keep him back, but he told them to stand down.

"You want to make a statement?" He asks Erik, "Kill me. Fine. But spare everyone else."

Erik was unmoved, but walked towards him. "Very heroic, Mr. President, but you had no intention of sparing any of us. The future of our species begins now."

Janos and I moved to stop him before we were knocked back by the Sentinel, which was then destroyed by Erik after it targeted him. When we got up, Erik was on the ground, and Raven was standing there, all blue, with a gun in her hand. Erik tried to stand, But Raven knocked him down again before training her gun on Trask. Janos and I moved to shield the others, water and tornadoes at the ready, but apparently Charles stepped in with his power as well. We only knew because she yelled for him to get out of her head and say we already were... something. Probably us being enemies of the humans.

Raven hesitated for a long moment before she dropped her gun and pulled Erik's helmet off of him. "He's all yours, Charles." She says as Charles takes over Erik's mind, using his powers to free himself.

"If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead." Erik says once he's free, "You know that."

"I know." Charles responds, being supported by Hank, now looking normal.

"Goodbye, old friend." Erik says before flying out of the stadium.

Once he was gone, Janos let his tornadoes disappear, and I let the water around me fall on the grass. Raven then turned to us, smiled, and left.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but hey, it's something. I wanted to add more, but nothing felt right to me, aside from the next chapter. Speaking of which, next chapter is the last for this story. Thank you guys again for your patience for this series!


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