Chapter 5: The Plan

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"Guys, there's something I need to show you." Hank says as he leads us to another room with computers, monitors, and film reels. "I've been monitoring any news related to Paris, and I found this." He then turns on a news article talking about the President making an address on a project where he had help from Trask.

"Raven doesn't realize that if she kills Trask at an event like that with the whole world watching," Charles starts.

"Then I came all the way here for nothing." Logan finishes.

"It gets worse," Hank says, "they found traces of her blood on the pavement. They already have her DNA, which is all they would need-"

"To create the sentinels of the Future." Logan adds.

"You know, there's a theory in quantum physics that time can't be changed." Hank says, "No matter what you do, it corrects itself. What if she's meant to kill Trask? What if that's just who she is?"

"Just because someone stumbles, loses their way, doesn't mean they're lost forever." Charles says. "I don't believe that theory, Hank. And I don't believe that's who she is."

"He's right. We can still try to fix this," I say, "but we have to leave now."

"Ready the plane." Charles says, "We're going to Washington."

We then boarded the plane and took off. Hank piloted as usual, while Logan, Charles, and I sat in silence for most of the flight until Logan broke that silence.

"Whatever happens today, I need you to promise me something. When you looked in my head, you saw a lot of bad, but you've seen the good too. The X-Men. Promise me you'll find us. Use your power. Guide us. Lead us. Storm, Scott, Jean, remember those names. We all need you, Professor."

"I'll do my best." Charles says.

"Your best is enough." Logan responds.

"Well, this is cute and all, but we should focus on the plan at hand." I say, interrupting them. "What are we going to do next once we land?"

"Something tells me you'll try to break into the lab." Charles states.

"You know me too well, or perhaps you read my thoughts," I say jokingly, "but in all seriousness, that is my top priority. Right now there's four of us. I break into the lab, one of you comes with me, and the other two can track down Raven. We then met up at the event and try to stop her, with our fifth member of course."

"And who do you think would go with you?" Logan asks.

"Well, you certainly look like you could bust through some doors, and guards." I say. "Any objections? Charles?"

"Go with her." He says after a pause. "Hank and I will head over to the White House. Meet back with us as soon as you can."

"We will." I tell him.

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