Chapter 11

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To say I was pissed was an understatement. Alice told me that Lorraine serenaded her in a restaurant when they were eating and even tried to kissed her when she brought her home. They were actually with friends but then Lorraine went to the mic and sang to her. That's why everybody kept asking if we broke up. That son of a bitch had the guts to do that despite knowing the fact that Alice and I are together. Wake up woman, you blew your chance.

I was shaking with anger when I read the text. I'm mad with Alice because she let it happen, but I'm absolutely furious with Lorraine. I know Alice would never cheat on me but I'm aware of what Lorraine is capable of. Alice is a sucker for sweet deeds and what that bitch did was (as much as I hate to admit it) very sweet. Considering she did it in public, something Alice doesn't want me to do. If given the chance I would love to shout to the world how much I love her and I am actually ready to come out to my family if that's what she wants, but then again she would hate me if I did that.

"Ohh I see. Well hope you enjoyed her singing for you. I'll talk to you later." I replied to her last text message, I ignored the part where she said that she almost kissed her. It took her a while to reply but I was in no mood to actually wait for my phone to buzz or something. At this point, I just want to not think about her, to not care just so I can avoid the pain. I can't even look at my phone right now because it's buzzing with messages.

"Alex did u and Alice break up?"

"Alex! What happened? Are you okay?"

"How are you dealing with the break up?"

"Why did she cheat on you?"

"I knew it. Ever since I saw her and Lorraine hanging out I knew this was going to happen."

"Buddy, how u doin? U okay?"

"It's going to be alright, Alex. You'll move on from this."

"Heard you and Alice are over. Sorry"

Those were just some of the messages I received. Wow so many people care about my relationship with Alice. I mean we weren't exactly public but my friends knew about us and I had lots of friends. It hurts so bad, I mean I know we aren't over yet. But I know that this fight is huge and this will probably be our biggest fight. I don't want to make a big deal out of something that she's clearly not in control of, or wait she was in control. She should've told Lorraine to quit it or walked out. It's true when they say that it takes two to tango. I'm also pretty sure that Lorraine wouldn't have done that if she didn't show signs that she was interested.

That day even though we agreed to no alcohol on our first day here, Bianca and Haley saw past me. They saw how terrible I was feeling so they suggested that we go out for drinks, just so I could take my mind off things. We went to a bar and I drank myself out. I drank and drank until I couldn't even feel a single bone in my body. At that moment I felt infinite, like as if I was numb and I continued drinking. Eventually I passed out.

I woke up the next day with a terrible hangover. Haley went to my room and brought me food, a little while later Bianca arrived with hangover pills in hand. I was really thankful that I chose them to be with me in this wonderful vacation. It was a perfect vacation but that news ruined it. Honestly, if it were a guy that did that to her, I wouldn't be mad. I'd be sad, yes but not mad. But it was fucking Lorraine. LORRAINE. The person she said she fell for (about 2% like a little crush) before I came. HOW BAD CAN THAT GET.

Alex's Redemption (girlxgirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora