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        I’m not a writer. I swear it’s just that this I really wanna share my story and I’ve been having dreams about this and dying for someone to know this story.           

        I’m not from any of those countries so I’m not sure how to mimic their language.  I just know basic English and I hope you forgive me if I can’t really follow the way they speak and the terms people on those countries use.

            Again, Forgive me for the grammatical errors and wrong spellings. Just wrote this when I was bored and I really had no time to edit.

            Each character was actually not based on the actors given to portray the role (I just actually have a huge crush on those actors I chose that’s why I selected them to play the part in this story), it was actually based on real people. This is kind of a true to life story. KIND OF. Just tweaked it a little but basically the thought is the same.

            Names of characters are actually fictional. Really random and common names but it’s 3:16am and that’s everything I can actually think of.

            Hope you understand. Give my story a chance. Read, vote, comment but most importantly, ENJOY! :) 

-       alexandravIIC

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