Katsuki was right down the hall, so he figured he'd let him know so that the blond could properly lock the door.

His bare feet hit the cold concrete and he shivered, hoping to god that Uraraka had brought some slippers for him.

He padded down the hall, jumping a bit at the sudden appearance Mina had made.

"Hi, Izuku!" She said, smiling gently. Izuku smiled in greeting, wanting to avoid using his already hurting throat.

"This is yours, right? You got to be more careful," she scolded, presenting the greenette's phone. Izuku blinked owlishly.

"Did," Izuku strained, wincing at the pain talking brought, "did I leave it with you?"

Ashido's expression tensed, and her voice lowered a bit. "You left it at the spot we were all sitting at before you said you'd be going to...the bathroom."

Izuku's brows furrowed at her tone and hesitation, and he rubbed at his jaw absently. Even though he had decided to stay ignorant, his irritation for not being in the know won. "I don't remember what happened after that. Do you know? Katsuki won't tell me."

Mina's eyes widened slightly. "So you don't remember? And he didn't tell you?"

Izuku shook his head.

Mina chuckled awkwardly. "Well...that must've been for a reason."

Izuku gritted his teeth. "So does everyone know except me or something?" Ashido shook her head wildly, her hands up in defense.

"No, of course not! Only me, Kirishima, and Kaminari know- and that's only because Bakugou trusts us the most."

Izuku narrowed his eyes to slits, his lips curling in irritation. That was basically everyone as far as he was concerned, but he said nothing. So many questions popped into his brain, but he decided to let it go for now.

He inhaled sharply. "Thanks for keeping my phone, Mina."

"No problem," she said, her voice much quieter than before--maybe she felt guilty.


Izuku turned around and was met with the sight of Ochako sprinting towards them.

"Hi," Izuku croaked.

Ochako embraced Izuku warmly, squeezing a bit. She pulled back and her brows furrowed deeply, lips curled downwards. "I was so worried about you! Are you feeling okay?"

Izuku laughed awkwardly. "I can't say."

"Hi, Mina," Uraraka acknowledged, and Mina smiled in reply.

"Uraraka," Izuku began, "can you please tell me what is going on? I need some answers."

"We can talk about it later- you need to get some rest, and you shouldn't be walking. Iida's car is around the corner, so let's get going," she said and gently guided her friend around the corridor, waving to Mina as they left.

The duo turned on the corner sharply, where Katsuki stood with Kirishima beside him.

"Rest up, okay Midoriya?" The red-headed of the two said, resting a warm hand on Izuku's shoulder, his thumb circling gently. His strawberry eyes held genuine concern. Izuku smiled a bit at the gesture.

"I will, thanks, Kiri."

Bakugou scowled. Uraraka eyed him and cocked an eyebrow.

"Thanks, Katsuki." Izuku forced a smile. The blond only grunted in reply.

Weirdly, Bakugou preferred the random nickname the nerd had given him the night before. He couldn't un-hear how pleasant it had sounded. His eyes lowered to the ground.

"Put some shoes on, dumbass. You'll catch a cold," he muttered, and Izuku's eyes widened a bit. Kirishima chuckled.

"Okay," Izuku said, feeling a bit weirded out.

Uraraka smiled a bit and grabbed Izuku's hand, heading off again. "Later guys!"

As Uraraka and Izuku approached Iida's car, the window rolled down, revealing the teen's worried face.

"Midoriya, are you okay?" He asked, his eyes wide and his brows furrowed.

Izuku entered the car, opting for the front seat. He smiled sweetly at his friend.

"I'll be fine," he replied, putting a bit of extra effort into feigning a positive demeanor. He especially hated making Tenya worry(in a weird way he felt more like an older brother rather than an immediate peer).

"I hope so. Here," Tenya handed Izuku a bottle of water and a small pack of painkillers. Izuku smiled gratefully, gingerly swallowing a pill down after taking a large sip of the water.

"Thanks, Iida."

"It's nothing," Iida adjusted his glasses and started the engine, "Do you know what happened?"

"I don't," the greenette replied softly. He turned to Ochako, who had been lounging in the back seat. "Did Bakugou tell you?"

"I wish," Uraraka frowned. "Anyhow, it was Mina who called me; she's got my number. He didn't contact me directly."

She absently folded her lips. "I asked Mina what happened, she only told me you were drugged last night, and you were staying in Katsuki's room since he's the one that caught on first. I'm surprised he even did that, honestly."

Izuku's eyes widened. "I was...drugged?"

That explains some of it, he thought, but what about the soreness and...hickeys?

Iida eyed Izuku with concern for a second before responsibly returning his gaze to the road. "So they didn't fully inform you of what happened, Midoriya? Shouldn't you be in the know?"

Izuku gazed out the window. "Well, Katsuki said I'm better off ignorant. He said he's doing me a favour. So I'll take his word for it."

"You're too pure, Zuki," Ochako sighed.

They had arrived at the bottom floor of Izuku's dorm complex. Uraraka exited the car first, insisting that she help him up the stairs despite Izuku's protests of 'I'm fine'.

Iida peered through the window at the two. "Get some rest, okay Izuku?"

Uraraka chirped up on his behalf. "He will!"

"Good. I'll take you back to your room Uraraka," Iida said, and the brunette nodded in understanding.

The two went up the stairs, finally making it to Izuku's room after what seemed like an eternity.

Izuku reached under the corner of the door, retrieving his room key. He wanted to thank his past self for not bringing them with him the night before--or he would've lost them for sure.

Uraraka leaned at the door frame and Izuku stepped in.

"You think you'll be fine? Are you hungry? Want me to whip up something?" Her questions were spat out at the speed of light.

"I'll be fine, I'm not five," Midoriya chuckled. "Thanks again."

"Okay. See you later then," Ochako smiled, waving and closing the door behind her.

Izuku immediately plopped down on his bed, groaning in definite pain. Thankfully, the painkiller was beginning to do its work.

He absently fisted the material of the top he had on, suddenly becoming hyper-aware of the fact that his current attire belonged to Katsuki.

He hesitantly inhaled the natural scent it emitted. Smells like caramel.

Suddenly feeling creepy, he shook his head as if that would rid his thoughts.

I can't believe I'm choosing to trust this guy's word, Izuku thought. I hope I'm not making a mistake.


Hi :D
Honestly, it's a miracle I managed to finish this chapter today(I'm having some extreme muscle pains and nausea plus school is kicking my ass), but I did! Hooray lol.
Sorry for the slight filler, my brain cells r dead rn xx

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