Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

"No. Stay away from me." I cried.

I could almost feel the tears finding their way down my cheeks.

I started walking backwards as Laughing Jackass walked closer to me.

When suddenly, I tripped over something and started falling. I close my eyes, bracing for impact, but there never was any.

I opened my eyes to see that Jackass caught me, and stopped me from falling.

"Jilly, please." Laughing Jackass sighed.

"What? What do you want from me-"

My words were caught off when he placed his lips against mine. As badly as I wanted to kiss him, I couldn't.

I pushed away from him and he looked me dead in the eyes.

"Jilly, what happened earlier, I'm sorry. But I have something planned for us tonight." He smiled.

I sighed, not really knowing what to do. Should I trust him?

Something inside me -a voice- tells me to do it. To stay with him for his plan tonight. To not leave him. And I think that's the part of me that screams "JILL YOU CARE ABOUT HIM YOU DUMBASS" and it's true. Sadly, it's true. But there's also another voice, a much quieter voice, telling me to stick with my gut.

"Alright. But first, let me go please." I said, finally giving in.

Jackass' smile was even wider now. He helped me completely stand up before he let go of me.

"We must get going? We don't want to be late. I love your dress by the way, it looks beautiful on you."

I looked down at what he was talking about and I seen that I was wearing my dress from the ball.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Laughing Jackass just smiled.

"Right this way, deary."

He held out his hand for me to take, and hesitantly I take it.

Jackass started walking towards a tent I hadn't seen last time I came here.

The tent was very tall and wide. It was black an white striped, of course. And it has a sign that said "The Ring Leader Ball" written in red, probably blood.

"The Ring Leader Ball?" I questioned.

Laughing Jackass nervously laughed.

"Yes, dearest Jilly. I am hosting a ball since the one earlier didn't work out so well..."


"..and I had a question to ask you."

"Okay.." I nervously said.

Laughing Jack did a quick snap of his fingers and soon he was wearing an all black tuxedo with a red tie, along with black and blood red roses in his left hand.

He took my hand in his right.

"Will you do me the honors of going to The Ring Leader Ball with me?"

I was shocked at first. Did the Laughing Jack just ask me to the ball with him? The player, the fuck and chuck, the manwhore, just asked me to a ball?

"Y-yes." I quietly respond.

Laughing Jackass now had a smile as wide as Jeff's which is hard to do. He placed a kiss on my cheek and handed me the roses.

"Thank you." I smiled as I sniffed the roses.

Laughing Jack grabbed my hand and we began walking towards the tent.

As we entered the tent, my jaw dropped. It was beautifully set up.

"What do you think?" Jackass asked.

"It's beautiful."

"Like you." He whispered.

My cheeks heated up, turning a light pink color.

"It's true. You are beautiful."

Laughing Jack placed a hand on my cheek and I looked straight into his eyes.

Hearing it from him somehow made it seems like it was true.

"You're beautiful. Your eyes are beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. Your nose is beautiful. Your smile is beautiful. Everything about is beautiful. And any guy would be dammed lucky to call you his."

He placed his lips against my forehead and kissed it gently.

I smiled a real smile, which rarely ever happens.

And in that moment I realized something. Something different..

I think...

I think I'm in love with Laughing Jack.


not at school bc im sick oh


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