Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

No. I know this can't be true. There's no way in hell I like him again. No.

"N-no." I shake my head.

Jane sighed.

"Jill, listen to me. You wouldn't be jealous-"

"Jealous? I'm not jealous!" I lied.

Honestly, I knew I was jealous. Ever since that dream- or whatever it was- about Jack, I have had these strange feeling for him. Something about that made me earlier that I never stopped caring about him.

And I probably never will..

"Jill, you and I both know you're lying." Jane sighed.

I shrugged as I wiped my eyes.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Toxic Scar.

Toxic Scar's POV

This beautiful girl, Laughing Jill had just ran away from me, for no reason. This confused me, so I decided to follow her.

She was talking to two very famous Creepypastas, Jane the Killer and Jeff the Killer.

Being the gentleman I am, I decided not to eavesdrop on their conversation.

I just waited a little until Jeff had left, so I could speak to her.

I walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Laughing Jill, dear, are you alright?" I asked.

By the smeared makeup and her bloodshot eyes, I knew she had been crying.

"N-nothing." She stuttered.

This poor girl. She had been crying for God knows why..

I check my watch and see the time. Almost midnight.

Shit, I must go before-

"Sorry, dears, I must get going. Goodbye, beautiful Laughing Jill."

With that, I turned around and ran out of the manor, never looking back.

Jill's POV

That was so strange. He left so quickly..

"JACK, YOU FUCKING BASTARD, I WILL KILL YOU!" Someone yelled in the crowd.


Oh boy..


They were causing a scene from all their loud yelling, I know it.

I couldn't take this, so I got up and ran towards the loud yelling.

"I DID NOTHING WRONG, DAMNIT!" Jackass yelled.

I pushed through the crowd of people until I was in the front, seeing everything.


And suddenly, everyone became quiet. Even Laughing Jackass shut up for a minute.

"I didn't hurt her. Nothing happened to where she would be hurt." Jackass finally spoke, in a calmer tone now.

I laughed bitterly while watching the action.

"Really? What about your slutty friend over there?"

Jeff pointed his knife to the same girl from earlier, she was currently standing behind Jackass, being a slut like usual.

"She's not with me-"

"Oh Jack, don't lie to them."

The girl walked up to the Laughing Jackass and she placed her hands against his chest.

Something inside me boiled with hatred. For both Jackass and his slut.

I couldn't take this anymore. I couldn't stop my next actions, which happened without me even thinking.

I speed walk up to the slut and grab her by her long black hair and pull her away from Jackass.

"Excuse me, bitch, but you need back your slutty ass up." I snapped at her.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked in that annoying bitch voice.

I wickedly laugh at her.

"Your worst nightmare."

And with that, I pulled out my chainsaw, start it and charge at the slut.

Just before I reach her, someone's arms grabbed me by my waist and held me back.

I kicked and screamed and tried to free myself, but it was no use.

I was trapped.

"Don't do anything you would regret." A voice whispered in my ear.

I looked up and saw Toby holding me, not letting me out of his grip.

"Let me kill that bitch!" I yelled.

"Jill, calm down." Toby whispered again.

I laughed like a maniac.

"I am fucking calm!"

I break free from Toby's grasp and charge at her once again.

This time, she started running away.

A chase, I like chases.

I run after her, not slowing my pace for nothing.

I chase her until she's in a corner of the room.

"Bye bye, little bitchy." I whispered.

I brought my chainsaw up, and it was taken from my grasp.

My face heated up in anger.

"Who the fucking hell took my goddamn chainsaw?!" I yelled.

Nobody said a word. All was quiet.

In anger, I turned around and saw Slenderman holding my chainsaw, while it was turned off.

"Give me my motherfucking chainsaw!"

I charge at Slenderman this time, and again, someone grabs me by my waist and holds me back.

"Toby, let me fucking go!" I hissed.

"Jill, it's not me.." Toby spoke up from behind Slenderman.

"Then who-"


Oh no.


I made this during school soooooo lol


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