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I'm starting to get some ideas for my story, just be patient and it will start getting good! :) Thanks for reading!


As my Mom pulls up, to a old brick building surrounded by kids, I let out a huge sigh. I hate the thought of having school. I hate the thought of homework, and all the conceited people. There's a lot of stuck-up people at this school. Believe me. "You okay? Just ignore the people that bother you. They wish they were as great and smart as you are." My Mom said, smiling. "I guess so." I said, rolling my eyes. Knowing what my Mother says is usually only"confident-boosters" that's what she likes to call them so most of the time I don't believe anything my Mom says. "Goodbye sweetie, love you! Have a good day if any problems just call." She said waving and smiling.

She's so embarrassing.

I walk onto the steps of the school, people are looking at me like I'm wearing like a clown suit or something. But most likely, they are just laughing because, well, just because it's me. I'm pretty much use to it by now. But I just hate when they constantly stare at me like I'm some huge freak. My Mom gave me the paper with my locker number on it, because she asked my Secretary for me ahead of time so I wouldn't have to worry about it later, which is now. I open the piece of paper, and read the numbers 711, which is weirdly, my lucky number. While trying to find my locker, I passed the most popular kids in the school which are the jocks, and cheerleaders. "Hahaha, what is she wearing! She needs to get a completely new wardrobe pronto!" Ashley said. Everybody started laughing. This is definitely my typical day of school, and now you know why I call it torture. As I finally get passed them, without saying a word, I finally find my locker.


I open up my locker and set my things inside getting ready for homeroom. For some reason, I'm so nervous. I don't know why, but I am always like this the first day of class. I haven't even seen any site of my friends yet, which means that their locker isn't anywhere close to mine.


 I grab my stuff that I need for homeroom, and I lock my locker back up and started walking towards the room. I finally reached my room and I pick a seat in the back. I hate sitting all the way up front, it's more of a chance you can get called on if you do. The bell finally rang and everyone stops talking and sits down. "Good morning class!" said Ms. Stewart our homeroom teacher. "This is your first day of being a junior! How are you guys feeling about that today?" She asked, and it was all still silent. "Okay, well I hope everyone's summer was good, mine was terrific! But today, we are going to write what we want to happen this year on a piece of paper. You don't have to turn it in, or read it out loud in front of the class. It's for you.  Maybe one day around the last semester of school you'll run across it and maybe some of you will say, 'Hey I accomplished something this year!' or maybe some of you won't and maybe you can make it happen next year. The reason for this is just to set a goal for yourself, something you want to achieve this year. And this goal does not have to be school related." She said smiling. 

I actually liked this idea. 

"So get out a piece of paper, and I want you to write what your goal is for this year, and give me reasons why you want this, or why you want to make this happen.Get started." She said. And with that, I pulled out a piece of paper and grabbed my pen and I start writing, 

My goal for this year is to become someone different, I actually want to feel important for once. I don't want to be picked on or judged by the way I dress, or because I work at a diner. I want to actually be important in this school. I want a special someone that will make me happy, other than my friends which are also slipping away from me too, just some of them though. I just want a new and fresh start. Not that I won't get it now but I just feel like I deserve so much more than what I have now. I don't think I deserve any disrespect, or getting picked on by the cheerleaders and jocks. I want to show people that I am someone.  I guess my wish is to be, loved and known. -Ava

That was my wish. That is what I wanted to happen this year. Now, I just have to make it happen. 

The bell rang and everybody quickly sat up and grabbed their belongings, and that is when I see Kristen run up to me. 

"AVA!!!" She yelled. 

"Hey! I thought you wouldn't be back here till' tomorrow?" I said smiling. 

"Unfortunately, I had to come back a day sooner. It was so beautiful in the Bahamas. I didn't want to leave!!" She said, chuckling at the end of her sentence. 

"Oh that sucks." I said, with a sort of disappointed look on my face, when really I was happy she was here. 

"Yes it does! But I have better news to tell you!" She said sounding really excited. 

I wonder what it is. 

"What is it?' I said laughing. 

"You know who Austin Mahone is right?" She asked. 

"Yeah.." I said. 

Austin Mahone. He is a really good, talented singer. He has amazing fans called ''Mahomies' and he has an amazing single called 'Say Somethin'. I don't know much about him to be honest, I don't have time to 'fan-girl' about him 24/7 like some girls do, well, some girls like Kristen. 

"He's coming to Tennessee!" She was so excited and so was I! My eyes popped into what looked like bug-eyes as she then pulled out one of her hands from behind her back holding two tickets. 

"OMG NO WAY! YOU DIDN'T! THIS IS AMAZING THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO SO SO MUCH FUN!" I was yelling just a little to loud, but I couldn't help it, I was so excited. 

'You're welcome!" She smiled, and chuckled. 

This is going to be a great start towards the school year. 

I'm so happy, Kristen is the most amazing friend ever. And I thank her, for making this day one of the biggest  highlights of the whole school year. 


Quick Authors Note: I know that the chapters have been short, but they will get longer when I eventually get more into the story. Thanks again for reading!(: 


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