Erkenci Kus episode 3 recap

Start from the beginning

c. Before nihat knew who mivkebe was he called her Leyla and then they named his first daughter that... this more and more shows how I always said nihat is sanem and can is mivkebe...their story will get more clear later as I will recap with you when that episode comes but ya just like Sanem with his mystery love Nihat called the woman he was falling for a code name leyla....also the song he was going to sing I am really hoping was eric clapton's Leyla (Leyla knock me off my feet- is one the lines)

8. Osman – I think he was supposed to be endgame for Leyla in classic dizi manner- the friend who Leyla doesn't see as anyone more but then it changes – the moment in this episode where Leyla is comforted by Osman when she was crying about her job was supposed to be the foundation of their love story... like a lot of Dizis the side character Leyla would have a love triangle the wealthy rich guy that she thought was for her aka emre and the underdog poorer friend that stole her heart in the end aka Osman... But Birand the guy who plays emre and Osnur aka Leyla had way too much chemistry and so I really think they switched up end game because of that. I still think Ayse was upset by that because all her episodes were leading somewhere with Osman and Leyla and it was Asli* who switched them... but I Guess we will never know for sure

9. Aylin must be a terrible advertiser bc all she does is literally take and take the same idea from Can how did she survive in the office when she worked there? I love her 3 yr old temper tantrums when Can is too good at fixing Sanem's sabotages

10. Bahahah I died watching Can watch as Sanem grabbed an actor's fake beard off at the office and Can's response - still looking huh? - awesome

11. When Can plays with her by drinking her tea... I cant ...he always wants to drink after she drank from it .... Sanem saying its my tea, I drank from it...and then Can drinks from it and gave this expression like and now its my tea... it was so funny and charming...After he leaves Sanem says think about your albatross, think about your albatross- to calm herself down lmao amazing I love their banter

12. Guliz stopping a rumor about Leyla instead of spreading one...go Guliz! I think that moment was when sanem really started to like her

13. Emre ...Blech I tried to forget that he set up Leyla to look like the spy...emphasis on tried...he won me over in the later episodes but it took me a lot of time to actually like him1

4. Muzzo and his sweating hands ...what if the sweat comes out somewhere else? Lmao I died I almost wish that was a bit - like now his back is always sweaty or something. and classic muzo says Can's hands were all sweaty when shaking his hand ...insecure much buddy

15. The trip to Agva

a. Sanem driving his car - sanem says are you ready? that look he gives trying to not show he is checking her out gahh I love that moment sanem made Can nervous

b. The car breaking down- his sarcastic high five was funny ...and Ok thank you for the close up of a cy bicep...sanem appreciated the view too... I never noticed how she was really checking him out while he was changing the tire

c. Can is so annoyed when he finally puts the flat tire in the trunk he is ready to snap then he sees Sanem staring at the forest with wonder and his anger just melts away

d. Can holding on to sanem's waste – to stop her from stepping in mud ...mmmhhhmm I see you Can bey I see you

e. can and sanem look at peace with each other while they are walking in this amazing forest to the hotel, every time he gives a slight glance her way my heart flutters

f. the first time we get to see Sanem picking wildflowers... we get to share that moment with Can– when he smells the flowers and smolders her way – that moment is the first time after the first kiss he does one of his sexy smelling her scenes... he was smelling the wildflowers but it felt as if he was smelling her neck... and Sanem feels it too...Her knowing this is her perfume scent and having him smell them in front of her and giving her that look gahhh

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