8. Black Dog Forge

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The sun is rising on the quiet city streets, creeping over the horizon and sending rays of light through my window. As I groggily push back the covers my mind still felt sluggish by a long night of sleep, and sighing in relaxation I took a moment to stretch all the muscles in my body, absorbing the peaceful silence around me. I glance at the clock on the nightstand as a smile spontaneously appears on my face, knowing that today I have the evening shift and this gives me some free time during the day to do whatever I want.

Taking a deep breath, I slide out of bed and make my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, a perfect start to the free morning ahead of me. The rhythmic sounds of grinding beans and the hiss of the coffee machine fill the air as I prepare the elixir that promises both comfort and energy. As the aromatic brew fills the room, I find myself momentarily lost in the simple pleasure of this morning ritual.

A cup of hot coffee is the perfect way to start the morning and I can't wait to curl up on the couch with a good book, listening to some good records and having some good time just for myself. It's all part of the simple pleasures in life.

Cradling the steaming mug, I return to the living room and sink into the inviting armchair. The liquid warmth soothes my senses and I close my eyes, letting the calming stillness envelop me. The city outside seems to hush, allowing me a precious moment of solitude as the sunlight, streaming through the glass, creates a gentle glow in the room bathing me in its warm, soothing touch. I lean back on the soft cushion settling into a comfortable position, but just as I'm about to lose myself in the serenity, the intrusive ring of the phone shatters the quietude. Startled I answer, reluctantly drawn back into the reality beyond the peaceful bubble I had created.


"Hey, Sarah. Sorry to bug you so early but I may need a favor from you."

"Hey Stone. What's up?"

I lay the cup next to the window and listen more carefully, fiddling with the phone wire around my finger and curious about what he might ask.

"I left some papers at home and gotta get 'em to the rehearsal for today. How would you feel about dropping them off for me and earning some good karma? I'll owe you one."

Of course something had to change my plans.

"Stone, come on, seriously? Can't you handle this on your own? I just woke up and was kinda looking forward to just chilling at home today.", I whine.

"Look, I know it's a kind of a drag but I'm in a bit of a pinch here. I promise it won't take long and I'll make it up to you." and then his voice softens in a last, desperate attempt at persuasion. "Think you can help this guy out?"

Despite the strong desire to stay at home to relax and enjoy some well-deserved rest, I cannot pull back in front of the awareness of the kindness Stone has always shown to me.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and barely help a sigh.

"Alright, fine. Just give me a little time to get dressed and I'll be there."

I can hear his smile at the other end of the line and it's almost enough to pay me for the effort.

"Thanks, I owe you. Keys are on the doorframe. As for the papers, they're inside a folder that's red and white with a picture of a guitar on it, you can't miss it. Oh, and-" he adds just before I hang up, "you might find a bit of a mess in there, pay no mind."

"Is this turning into a treasure hunt?" I ask, sardonically. "Where's the place, anyway?"

"Belltown, you have to find an ironwork shop called Black Dog Forge in an alley between the second and third streets. There's a big black writing on red, you'll surely see it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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