2. Gas Works Park

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"Here we are."

The sound of the wheels braking and slidly touching the sidewalk awakens me from a slight torpor, definitely due to the agitation. From inside the car and with the windows closed I can distinctly hear punk music echoing in the air, loud voices and the sound of the skateboards wheels darting on the asphalt.

"You still with us?" Stone asks me, leaning a little forward to be able to look at my face. I nod.

I'm so nervous and ashamed to admit it. I've always been a girl with some difficulty socializing and I struggle to feel comfortable in places I don't know. Especially if they're full of people.

"You haven't changed your mind, have you?"

I shake my head and think that I'd really like to be somewhere else, getting out of my comfort zone doesn't make me feel safe at all. Seeing my difficulty in making the decision to open the door, Stone decides to take control of the situation.

"Alright, wait."

He gets out of the car, walks around and leans over my window, beckoning me to roll it down.

"Listen," he says leaning on the door "I understand. New city, new people...but hey, don't panic. I'll always be right next to you, okay? We'll have fun!"

Stone's words reassure me right away. He opens the door and I finally get out, fixing my shirt and taking a deep breath. As he opens the trunk Stone takes a six-pack, nodding his head to follow him.

"Let's go!"

We walk on the freshly cut grass and follow the music that gets louder and louder.

"You want one?" Stone asks me by giving me a beer, slowing his pace as we delve into the more and more numerous people. As I open the can, some foam rises wetting my fingers and with the first sip of beer I realize how warm it is.


If it wasn't free and I didn't have this desperate need for alcohol I'd certainly complain about this filth.

"You know, this used to be the largest gasification plant in Seattle. You see those towers?" Stone asks, drawing my attention as I was already looking around, intrigued.


Not far away I can see a large metal complex, made of pipes and ducts, rise to the sky a few steps from the lake.

"People here breathed its poisons for years and demanded its demolition, but a functional recycling project won in the end. American Industrial Revolution!"

I turn to him and I'm about to take another sip of beer when suddenly someone hits me, making me spill the liquid on the ground and all over my jeans.

"What the fuck?!" I instinctively exclaim, turning abruptly and laying my eyes on a boy who's running towards the main stage, completely indifferent to the people he's bumping into.

"Hey!" I scream towards his back.

He slows down the race but doesn't stop, going backwards for a few meters.

"I'm sorry!" he apologizes, "I'll offer you one later!"

I stand frozen, speechless with my wet jeans and, above all, without my beer.
God, the rudeness of some people.

"Did you just see that jerk?" I ask turning to Stone, still open-mouthed.

He was already laughing.

"Oh, yes, that's Eddie."

"Am I supposed to know who Eddie is?"

"Remember the big guy with a beard, tattoos and stuff you pictured earlier in the car?"

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