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I guess we all make our own paths.
All I have is regrets and wishes that I can travel back in time and right my wrongs.
I try to look at how I've conducted myself and I realise that I ruined my own life.
It all wasn't worth it and I'm left here, filled with regret and praying that things change.
To think I once lived the IT life, that I wore the most expensive labels and had the longest inches on my head.
All I did was go out, have fun and come back to mind blowing crazy sex.
I was once married but that didn't even last three months.
I had a man who loved me, who'd do anything to make me happy but I still lost that.
I was so stuck up On what couldn't be that I didn't even realise what I had.
Luke loved me. He showed me love from the first time we met and through him, I got to experience the realest love.
Now, going back to what happened after he threw me out a year ago.
I remember banging on his door, hoping that he changes his mind but he didn't.
What I didn't realise was that I had taken him for granted.
I had no reason to go after Ayanda like that but I did.
I spread lies about her, made the whole world hate her and stupid me thought I had won.
I knew that Siya never makes a threat in vain so I had to deal with that, on top of being homeless.
I moved back home with shame and my mom welcomed me, of course not with open arms.
She gave me silent treatment for three months and I didn't blame her.
I had shamed her. I had shamed our family.
She knew the truth and everyone else soon found out.
I came clean with everything that had transpired between Siya and I, and spoke of why I did what I did to Ayanda.
I basically ruined my own life and had to walk around the streets being pointed at and with people talking loud enough for me to hear.
I never heard from Luke and as much as I did try reaching him, I stopped when I realised that I wasn't worth his forgiveness.
Being back home was hard. I didn't work and the money I had lasted about three months.
Money is really the root of all evil. My greediness cost me everything.
"There's a new restaurant opening in town. They're looking for waitresses, cleaners and stuff. You should apply"
She throws the newspaper at me.
"I guess I should "
"Cindi, you can't sit down forever, swimming in regret. What happened, happened. You need to move on"
I sigh.
"I hear you Ma and I know you're tired of having to take care of me"
"You should be the one taking care of me but you're my daughter. I want the best for you. Just pick yourself up and move on"
She leaves me in a bucket of thought.
It's not easy. I miss Luke, I miss him so much but it wasn't meant to be.
I take a bath and decide to go type a CV.
She's given me money for taxi fare and the typing and printing.
I'm hopeless, I don't see this happening but it's worth a try. I can't disappoint my mother.
She's the only person I have now.
I drop off my CV that has only two pages and hope for the best.
I don't have any experience and the only attachment is my matric certificate. I'm the reason I didn't further my studies and yes, I regret it now.
I was too blinded but now, all is exposed.
"How did it go? "
She asks, immediately when I get home.
I shrug.
"I'm hoping they'll call me"
"Have faith, all will work out"
I nod.
What faith?
I don't even think I should be alive right now.
"Luthando, stop running! "
I shout but to deaf ears as he continues running, giggling.
Siya catches him and throws him up, filling the air with his cracking giggles.
"Baby love "
He says and kisses my cheek.
My boy is one year four months now and too hyperactive.
I'm glad the first semester has passed and that I can finally breathe.
We're in the beginning of July and I'm in love with this kind of weather.
I'm a winter person so this makes me happy, my mood says it all.
"I love when you visit me"
We're in his office, which is probably why Thando ran.
He's that obsessed with his father.
"Well, I missed you "
I say, looking out the window.
"That's all? "
He asks.
"I need you to look after him. I'm meeting up with Alexis"
"I knew it! "
I roll my eyes.
"He's your son and he has too much energy "
I say and he chuckles.
"I know. OK baby, you can take my car "
I go over to him and we kiss then I perk my baby's lips.
"Be good boys"
I say then walk out, swaying my hips because I know he's looking.
She stands up immediately when she sees me approaching and we share a hug.
"You look good"
I say and she smiles.
"I feel good. I'm so excited "
She says and I smile.
"The launch is in August. Are you ready? "
I ask and she nods.
"I need your help with finding employees though. Seeing that it's recess, what do you think? "
She didn't need to ask.
"of course maybe. I'm Willing to help. How's the boyfie? "
They recently moved in together.
I don't mind since I found an apartment closer to campus.
We've hired out the house.
Her face turns pink. I chuckle.
"He's good. He's also going to help with hiring plus he knows more about business than I do "
She says and I nod.
We set a date for tomorrow and after I have a glass of wine, we part ways.
Romeo is already here to fetch her so I drive back to Siya's workplace.
"I've been thinking "
He says, immediately when I close the door.
Thando is sleeping now, probably tired from all the running and being hyper.
"Oh? About? "
"You might not like it"
He says and I begin getting worried.
"What? "
I ask, curiosity feeding at me.
"Your father. It's time we looked for him"
Now, that's definitely not something I was expecting.
"What? "
He comes to sit next to me on the couch, our son sleeping in the little bed in his bedroom that's in the office.
Weird but it did come in handy. For all of us.
"Baby, we can't just get married without his blessing. I know he disappeared on your mom but I have connections, we can find him"
I think about it for a minute.
"Why do we need his blessings?"
I ask because that's the part I'm battling to understand.
"He's the one who knows your ancestors. Look baby, allow me to do this. You guys won't have to get to know each other or anything. He'll just introduce you to his ancestors then everything will go well "
I sigh.
This doesn't even make any sense to me.
I say, not even sure because I'm thinking about my dead mother.
I hope she's not disappointed In her only son.
This sounds like its important to Siya and I can never say no to this handsome man.

Broken Promises : Ayanda  (COMPLETED) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz