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I realise I had been living my life in a shell and there were certain decisions I had to make.
The first Would be accepting that there's nothing permanent in my life. Which made me wonder about the baby in my stomach. Could it be that he was also not permanent?
Was he also going to leave me like the rest?
The thought of a miscarriage was one I couldn't fathom and definitely one I wouldn't be able to digest.
Losing this baby would literally be the death of me.
He was the only family that I had now.
It was going to be just him and I.
Who am I kidding? I'm broke, with no roof on top of my head and a wardrobe filled with Siya's clothes.
Siya's clothes because he's the one who bought them.
I ramble through the wardrobe trying to find something to wear.
I have concluded that I'm going to find a job.
It won't be easy seeing how much I had depended on Siya and it didn't help that Alexis was also unemployed.
The house we live in was previously owned by her parents  , as their souls rest in peace.
That's one of the things we have in common - We're orphans.
" Are you fine? "
I nod, paying much attention to what I'm doing.
I'm now five months pregnant and it has dawned to me that I'm soon to give birth.
The money that I might earn, I'm going to save for the coming of the baby.
I've been going to a clinic that's in our township which is how I got the knowledge of how far my pregnancy is and they had the courtesy of printing out a scan for me.
It's a boy and I wonder how I'm going to raise a man but I leave all to the man above.
" I'm going to look for a job "
I say, before she even opens her mouth to ask why I'm up so early.
" You're already showing. Is that a wise choice? "
She asks out of concern.
' As if I have a choice ' My subconscious says but I'm still yet to reply to her question.
" I have to "
I finally reply and hear her sigh. She knows she can't protest. There's nothing more that she can offer me.
"I'm coming with you "
She finally says. She had been going out for the past few weeks to look for a job but nothing permanent ever came.
They paid her peanuts which she never utilised on herself.
She would spend it on whatever that was needed In the house.
"Are you sure? "
I asks, in pursuit to change her mind but she doesn't reciprocate.
" I have to make sure you're safe and again, I'm unemployed "
She doesn't seem to change her mind and I don't have much of a choice but to let her be.
" OK"
I say, as nothing else seems to come to mind.
I'm in a white T-shirt blouse with black leggings and pumps. Nothing fancy but it's a little professional.
My hair is a mess so I put on a head wrap and take my bag, putting everything I might need inside.
I find her waiting in the kitchen and going outside after locking the house, our long work to freedom presumes.
We've been here for two hours and nothing seems successful.
There's no one hiring and some don't even listen to what we got to say.
We both remain patient, hoping that we get something.
" Don't look"
She whispers but it's still Curiosity which killed the cat.
I turn contrary to her warning And I immediately regret my decision.
It's Siya and the beautiful Cindi.
" He can't see me "
I whisper with panic.
They haven't seen us yet but it's only just a matter of time before they do.
"Quickly, let's get in there "
I don't even think twice. She holds my hand and we throw ourselves inside the furniture shop.
" Are you guys looking for a job? We're in need of cleaners "
I sigh, not my ideal job but beggars can't be choosers.
" We're available now "
We say in unison and the guy smiles.
He introduces himself as Chris, the manager of the store
We follow him to the back, where the storeroom is and he gives us uniforms to change into.
We both look around and it's only then we realise how big the store is.
It's worse for me because I can barely stand.
My feet are killing me but I don't have any other choice.
Siya and his wife had just come from the store when he saw someone he thought he knew.
'She can't be pregnant ' he says in his heart, oblivious to his wife's presence.
" Siya? "
She softly calls him and he snaps back to reality.
" Baby? "
" Are you fine? "
She asks, seeing how offish he suddenly was.
" I'm OK "
He answers, brushing off the silly thoughts which were brewing in his mind.
He convinced himself that Ayanda would have said something, if she was pregnant and that definitely can't be her.
" You said something about a bag? "
He asks his wife, holding her hand tightly.
" Yes"
She exclaims with a wide grin.
" This side please "
Cindy says excitingly since she had been eyeing the bag for a month now.
Knowing that her husband didn't even protest was a cherry on top.
She never thought that marriage would tame him like this and she liked it.
She refused to think that this honeymoon phase was going to fade.
She totally believed he had changed and vowed to protect her dirty little secret by all means.
It is said, however that secrets have a way of coming out.
This one too, might not stay hidden for too long.

Broken Promises : Ayanda  (COMPLETED) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant