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I look at him lying besides me and smile. I wonder why my marriage had to end for me to realise that he's all I've ever wanted.
Some might call me cruel for what I wanted to do to Siya but no one knows what that man has put me through.
Siya's love is not the one that Luke gives.
I think I didn't know what love is, until I met him.
My relationship with Siya started as milk and honey. It was smooth and he treated me like a queen.
He literally worshipped the ground I walked on and made sure that I'm always happy and pleased.
I gave myself to him, my heart and even my spirit.
That all changed when he went to varsity.
He became someone else, maybe joined the wrong crew and started cheating on me.
I saw another side to him that I never knew existed.
See people did warn me about him but I never listened. I just thought they were jealous.
I feared him and feared saying no to him.
I had to make sure I'm on his good books because if I'm not, I knew that was going to make him crazy.
I'd be lying if I said I don't get nervous some days. I mean I do fear him coming to avenge himself.
He let me go, just like that and didn't shoot me or anything.
"What's up? "
I look at him and he's looking at me. We're in bed
"I didn't know you're up" I admit and he gives me a concerned look.
"What are you thinking about? "
He says, touching my cheek.
"Just about how blessed I am to have you in my life "
There was a time I cheated on him because he wasn't giving me any attention.
Even now, I don't know what happened to the guy.
The point is, Siya is not a guy to be messed with.
"I'm not convinced "
I perk his lips.
"I'm hungry "
I try to change the subject But he's not barging.
"Talk to me Cindi. I can see something is bothering you"
I can see he's worried. I hate worrying him.
I sigh. He looks at me.
"I'm just worried about Siya and when he might strike. He let me go easily and it's not like him"
"You don't know? "
I look at him puzzled.
"What? " I say, clearly interested in what he's talking about.
"Siya has been seen around with a pregnant woman. I think they're together and she's expecting his baby"
That's all I could say.
I don't know why but this  makes my heart heavy.
I'm 26 with no child and Siya and I had been together for over ten years but he never even mentioned wanting a child with me.
Even when I'd beg for one, he would just dismiss me.
"Why are you crying? "
I touch my cheeks and find the wetness. I didn't know I was crying until he mentions it.
"I just... He never wanted a child with me. He always felt that a child is going to come between us and would say he wants me all to himself "
He's brushing my back as I'm speaking. I'm just crying it out.
"It's all in the past baby. I'm here now and we're going to have as many kids as you want "
I giggle. I can hear the assurance in his voice.
"I love you"
He says and kisses my lips.
I smile.
"I love you too"
Siya was in his office, waiting for his friend, Stone.
It was a Saturday morning and this had nothing to do with business.
The man knocked on the door and he told him to come in.
He said and they shared a handshake.
The man looked creepy. He was buff and had tattoos all over his arms and on his legs, below the knees.
He was yellow in complexion with dark black eyes.
He flashed a smile.
"Siya, it's always nice hearing from you"
Siya offered him a chair and poured whisky for them.
"How's marriage treating you? I see you're even gaining complexion"
Seeing laughed. 'If only he knew', he thought.
"Where have you been? I'm a free man"
He said, revealing his ring free finger.
"Heban, but it's not even three months"
Siya chuckled, looking at how shocked he was.
"Yeah well, it is what it is. She was taking me for a ride, thought she can outsmart me"
"Are we talking about Cindi? The Cindi that I know? The one who always succumbed to you "
Stone was shocked by this new revelation and he couldn't hide it.
The last time they had seen each other was at the wedding.
"I'm telling you man. On top of that, she was being fucked by some white cop"
Stone laughed. Siya was not even surprised.
"Yoh and she's still alive? "
He nodded.
"I wanted to kill her and that son of a bitch with my two hands but I'm Letting it slide for now. "
Stone wasn't expecting this. He looked at him and saw that he was serious.
"Just like that? "
He nodded.
"Plus, I have other things I need to focus on. Cindi loves Money and that's going to be the death of her. I heard that she's working at some hotel e Jozi and shit happens there. There are so many temptations and she can easily fall under a trap"
Siya said, taking a sip of his whisky.
"Hai, I hear you man. So tell me, who's the woman who's treating you this good? "
He chuckled.
"It's Yaya"
He didn't even need to say it twice. He had never hidden his relationship with Ayanda but had made sure that Cindi doesn't even suspect a thing.
He laughed.
"And wena? Where's that baby mama of yours? "
Stone clicked his tongue.
"Lowo? I don't even know why she's still alive. She's been missing for a week. Akere she's a junkie now, leaving Lulu all alone "
The thought of Lulu's mom made him so angry, he almost broke the whisky glass with his hand.
"You love her too much, that's why. You should discipline her"
"I'm waiting for her to come back from her whoring, this time she's going to know me well"
He clicked his tongue, clearly pissed.
They continued chatting while drinking, trying to catch up.

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